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My Quit-project is done!!!

I viewed this project as my quit-smoking project.  It is the one that was with me through the first three weeks on a daily basis and kept my hands out of trouble as I faced those earliest of the early days, complete with all the withdrawal issues.  I just finished it today.  It isn't perfect, something is going on with the collar that needs to be fixed, but I am not quite sure what to do--maybe another round and decrease quite a bit.  The colors cheered me up through the tough times and when I wear it I am sure I will always remember it is the product of my journey to freedom.  And it never had to deal with the stink that comes with cigarette smoking!!  Onward to more smoke-free projects!!


10 Replies

Nice!  I'm sure you can get it where it needs to be.  Looks warm too.  Great that you have something like that to keep you busy.  Onward and upward.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Very cool, @ReallyReal! That's an amazing skill to have, thanks for sharing the final results!

- Danielle, EX team 

EX Community Admin Team

@ReallyReal Thanks for sharing the final results of your project..  It will always been a physical reminder of your achievement to quit smoking.

And, I love the colors.



That project will always represent something positive for you.  It is pretty and you did a good job on it.  Not to mention it looks really warm!   I can't help but notice, you have an "inspector", who will give you his final answer, lol.  Nice kitty.  (I used crochet as a distraction in my early quit.  I had planned to do a quit project, but found I could not focus easily and I got frustrated easily, so I could only manage an easy, mind numbing pattern and I still haven't finished it.)  

0 Kudos

Wow, that’s gorgeous! I love the colors! And your cute kitty. And what a positive way to use your extra time now that you’re not smoking and keep your hands busy. What a cool project!


I love this idea of a "quit project"! I'm going to use that. Maybe something I work on only while I'm going through the process of breaking my habit (a journey I've just started...again...but now with this community and this idea I'm feeling quite hopeful). I love your jacket, too. Such a great reminder of your accomplishment of quitting and of your sewing (?) skills.

0 Kudos

I missed this when you posted it. That jacket is unique and bright just like you. I love your smile in this picture! And I see one of your kitties there too. I hope you have a good day today, lady! 




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Ahhh, thank you, Meriah.  So nice to be reminded of my quit project, especially on a day like today (a not-so-good day).  I really must not lose sight of the fact that those early days of quitting were pretty darn rough, but I made it through without smoking.  There is no reason for me to go back into active addiction again, no good reason only lies tugging at me at times.  Thanks for your care, concern, support and encouragement, @McMoney .  Luv ya!!

For some reason Raissa @ReallyReal I've missed this post until now 🤷‍♀️ I love your smile and your beautiful work and of course your precious quit journey! You totally rock! 😁👍