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A new crocheted sweater

Finishished this the other day but didn't weave the ends in yet because I was wondering if I should take it apart and just make a blanket.  I made it for a friend of mine but am not totally happy with how it turned out.  But, surprise, my friend loves it so I will be tucking in the loose ends this week and she can have it!!


6 Replies

@ReallyReal You're really whipping these out now.  I always liked the combination of red and black. 

Very pretty.


0 Kudos

Barb, being rather depressed and isolating from most human interactions has given me a lot of time.  Plus I have tons of nervous energy that has to go somewhere--now if only I would use that energy to get chores done around the house.  If I didn't crochet I would probably spend most of my days in bed, lately.  Crocheting is amazing in that as I have to count stitches and focus on what I am doing with my hands, I am not thinking about the things that seem so catastrophic--I think about those things as soon as I put my crochet hook down--lol.  Thankfully, I seem to be coming out of the darkness a bit. Cheers and best wishes to you @Barbscloud 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Beautiful sweater Raissa! I'm sorry you are dealing with depression, but I'm happy to know that you have a outlet. Wishing you the all!

Quiana, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team

You have a talent!  That is very pretty Raissa.  I can see why your friend wants it.  Can't wait to see what you make next.


That's awesome.  You are so talented with those needles.  If crocheting makes you feel better then keep on doing it.  I don't know what you are going through but I hope you feel better soon.  Maybe talk to somebody about how your feeling.  Sending hugs from your quit buddy!


Thank you @champsin97 @biscuit9  and Quiana--I appreciate your kind words and your encouragement.  Today Ibam going to get outside and enjoy the clear skies and strong winds rather than staying cooped up inside.  Depression is no joke, thankfully mine has not been totally debilitatingvand it seems to be lifting.  I wish you all well this day and thanks again for all of your support.