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On a Lifeboat Rowing Away From The Titanic

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One of the lies that kept me going back to smoking was the belief that smoking wasn't hurting me. Now that I have stopped, I think about things more clearly. I found out a couple weeks ago that my grandfather and namesake died from lung cancer. His son, my uncle, also died from lung cancer. My dad has COPD and had a lung cancer scare. My mom's mom died from colon cancer. I watched her bedridden deteriorating for months wearing a colostomy bag. All of these people were smokers. 

I had and still might have some ugly things in my future. Just for today, I don't have to keep doing the thing that will contribute to an early and ugly death. I can stop the damage.

Death is the ultimate end of nicotine addiction. Not a quick painless one but a slow, scary, depressing one. 

Ctazy how smoking blocks our awareness of these facts.