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Rest and Reflection

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This morning I turned off the trail to set up camp to rest and reflect on this time of year.
Just over two thousand years ago, a child was born into this world. This child was a very special child. He was sent to bring a new way of thinking to this world. He came humbly and slept in a hay manger. His companions were the animals that were housed in a stable. His father was a poor carpenter, his mother a young maiden. Mighty men came bringing gifts and wished to gaze upon him and pay him the honors due a person of royalty.
I will not discourse on any one story or thought about his life. There are many of these stories telling of his life and mission. I can only say that he wished all men to live together in peace.
So I will say that whether your higher power be called God, Creator, Wise One Above, Yahweh, He Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken, or any of the other names given for him, my wish for you is Peace and Happiness this holiday season.
I now will sit and reflect on this life that had such a large impact on so many lives,
Be well my friends and may your life be filled with peace and happiness this wonderful time of year.

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About the Author
I am a male that underwent coronary artery bypass X3 (triple) on 10/22/13 at the age of 55. I was living on about 20-30% of one coronary artery and my left heart output was only 20% to 25%. I spent a week in the hospital after surgery and went home. Then had to go back a day later for another week because I had pneumonia. Finally a few days because of a slight arythmia. All told it has been about 2 1/2 weeks. I am past the cravings by now and only have the urges to contend with. I really don't suggest that anyone quits smoking using this technique though. I'll have to carry the scars from that day for the rest of my life. The large one down the center of my chest, and the ones from several "silent" infarctions. I came that close to the next world. Never again will I subject my body to that (at one point in my life I was smoking 5 packs of cigarillos a day). I now have to say N.O.P.E. (Not One Puff Ever) every day of my life. TheOldGoat-Joan, I miss you terribly my friend. Elder Lists Guilia's: (/blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016 ) or Smorgy's (Chronological Elder List)