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Share your quitting journey

Today's the Day

5 20 350

 I have been smoking since I was 19yrs old. (Wow, that was hard to admit)I have "quit" many times in my life but it never stuck. I think the longest I stayed free was a year and a half. I have no excuse for my behavior/choices. 

I am your text book closet smoker. I have never admitted to smoking amongst friends or family. Although, many of them either know I still smoke or assume I quit. . As soon as I get off of work, I drive the long way home so I can smoke at least two cigarettes before I pull into the driveway.

I decided I would quit smoking about 6 months ago. I would set a quit date then change it over and over again. Three weeks ago, I realized I needed help. I have used Chantix in the past and was successful so I made an appointment to see the doctor.  I started taking the pills last week and I ran out of cigarettes last night. I decided not to purchase another pack before I came into work. As I am typing this, I am thinking of reasons why I should just stop at the store on the way home. I know I should be thinking of reasons why I SHOULD NOT stop. Unfortunately, that is why this is such a strong addiction.

I have no hobbies,  work two jobs, stressful family life. I found this page last year when I set a quit date. I thought I would give it another shot because last time I never made any posts or real connections. This time, I am going to make this work- no matter what. I deserve to be healthy and happy. NO matter how irritated, agitated, or frustrated I may be Nothing and No one will make me take that first puff.

I read the daily Pledge on this site and I promise, I quit today. Its my first day, I can, I will.