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Wonders of Wednesday

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Baxter State Park Ice Nesowdnehunk Stream.jpg

An ice disk floats and spins in Nesowdnehunk Stream in Baxter State Park, Maine.  Ice disks form when the currents in a stream, at some depth, oppose one another - that's as scientific as I can get ;~)

If I were spinning around out there at least I wouldn't have a chance to smoke, I'd already be dizzy!  Today we don't need to spin around, we are on solid ground - the ground of no smoking, for that we can be grateful.

Those days of "spinning" are behind us - we are able to see where we want to go in the direction of safety, good health and gratitude.  Have a wonderful day, smoke free and happy.

About the Author
I quit on October 25, 2013, it was the best decision I ever made (or, one of them). I smoked for over 50 years and quit Cold Turkey. My most useful tool is gratitude, you can borrow some from me.