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Share your quitting journey

The only thing smoking (vaping) is good for

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If you are here reading this, you are an Ex, in your quit, or getting ready to quit. If you go to the resources that are provided by many, you will find that nicotine addiction does nothing for you. It does nothing for your physical well-being or your mental well-being. It slowly kills you and takes you from this world prematurely.

In discussion with one of my favorite elders Giulia‌, I had an epiphany, smoking is good for 1 thing, and one thing alone. That one thing is becoming a part of this community. All of our experiences have some impact on our lives, smoking is no different. So, if I had to pick 1 positive from this experience is that I have met some of the most kind hearted, loving people in the world. Perhaps, The Ex hides its mean people until a later date and time, if I find those, I will update this Blog.

What does this mean to you as a new quitter or someone going through their quit? You have found the only thing smoking is good for, and that is finding this community. Since you've recieved the only good thing smoking can offer you, you might as well give it up!  There is nothing that those cigarettes or vapes can offer you now that you don't already have!  

I promise you, the kindness you recieved here is addicting and it will do nothing except promote your self worth, and your self esteem! Congratulations on finding us, now it is time to quit!

About the Author
36 year old in the process of becoming who I was before cigarettes, just a little older.