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Share your quitting journey

"The Good Stuff"

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I am fortunate to have become an EX.  Along with that comes a very wise support system which I had never experienced until coming here.  Now I am honored to be one of them an EXer...elder.  I acknowledge the help, support, friendship, and love that I am given by my peers even when I am not perfect. This has been a magnificent journey of freedom for me.  I love chronicling there words of wisdom that will be with me forever and today would love to share a few excerpts with more to come of the wisdom that has been the foundation of my successful 1685 days of freedom. Their wisdom helped me to develop a solid quit.  Hopefully, you can take some of it that can be helpful to you. 

 Barbara145‌ (My Mentor)

You are never too old to quit smoking. I love my new life and the new me. If I can quit smoking, you can quit smoking.  I promised myself no matter what I wanted, no matter what I was feeling a cigarette would never again be the solution.  It is tough especially for the first 3 or 4 months and it is a journey.   

SimplySheri -.aka Sheri

 The secret to quitting, I decided, was never to smoke again.  Ever. Close the door on it totally and forever. 

Not just "I hope", but not to open that door ever again.  So all I had to do was not to smoke.  And I decided I could do that.  I didn't try to figure out the rest of my life, I didn't cement my plan into stone, I didn't even announce to anyone I was quitting.  I quietly shut the door and refused to open it ever again.

freeneasy  aka Jim


"Banish the thoughts of "struggle" and replace them with pride of conquest." When you learn about quitting and nicotine addiction, you'll build confidence. You may even be more afraid of continuing to smoke than quitting." "I like to call them "smoking thoughts" rather than craves." 

Truth Yup,  " I lost my quit" Translation: " I decided to smoke.""Once an addict always an addict. S.I.N.A.O.""A crave won't hurt you,  smoking will.""No luck necessary. You're the boss of your quit"

Humor"Don't fear the snake. It only will bite if you allow it to.  Craves are like snakes..." 

"I didn't smoke today but didn't vacuum either. I don't plan on smoking but plan on vacuuming a couple of times a year whether the place needs it or not."

"Time is like a roll of toilet paper. It goes more quickly towards the end."

froguelady – RIP

 I will not smoke for today and that is how we become nonsmokers, one day at a time. Take care of you first. NOPE counts for No in some cases

Giulia - "G"

 Each time you do something as a nonsmoker that you have never done before you just get stronger "When nothing is certain - EVERYTHING is possible!"  And depending upon how you view that statement, the possibilities for good things happening are limitless.

JonesCarpeDiem aka Dale

 Nothing will do it for you except a decision and your willingness. As we get older it becomes "I can't do that anymore. Keep them away from your face!    
If you have quit smoking and continue to smoke you are doing it wrong.

 smorgy8513 RIP 

I am an addict.   If I smoke even a drag I will open myself up to being back to a pack a day. I must guard my quit.  One way I do this is to come here every day, make my pledge and read blog listen.  This is how I've done it for all these days.....make a promise and KEEP IT!

YoungAtHeart‌ Gives the Facts of Life

Isn't it better to be an ex-smoker who thinks of a cigarette every once in awhile than a smoker who thinks about quitting ALL the time?

From our New  Elders

@AnnetteMM  aka "Amazing Annette"

I think that fighting addiction doesn't work long term because it's exhausting. Instead, the acceptance of it, owning it as part of who we are, is key to a forever quit. So when that weirdness descends I can let it in and let it bounce around in my head for a minute until I get to the eventual knowing that it's stupid and self-defeating and I don't do that anymore.


Daniela2016 aka "Miss Positive"

We love our peers, we are all one, we belong together.

Not as former smokers, but as human beings.

We crave the love dispensed here unconditionally.

And we crave sharing that love.

I do, I am here because I am loved, and I am here because I want to give love, to newbies, to friends I made here, to complete strangers who are willing to take it.

And even if I don't understand  some of the references to past social behaviors, or food, or cars, or kid's games, I still feel I belong.  Because I learn it, I ask questions and someone will answer me.

And I am grateful for being here in this loving environment.

Yours truly,


 Education is the key to a successful quit. Never give up, Never give in, Hang tough, Stay close, Protect your quit it is your own. No matter what NOPE, Not One Puff Ever, smoking is not an option SINAO. 



To learn more about our elders and their infinite wisdom use the tag  @a wise elder once told   to search blogs or go to my content and type a wise elder

The original blog  /blogs/JACKIE1-25-15-blog/2016/01/22/voices-in-my-head?sr=search&searchId=a318b633-7539-4aa5-a3e9-0e...

                                                                               ...More to come 

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About the Author
Lay aside every weight that may be slowing you down. Make up your mind not to allow doubt cause you to stumble. You can do this! Do not allow fear , False Expectations Appearing Real to hold you down. You can do this! Break the chains of addiction, forgive yourself for ever smoking. move forward and start loving yourself more each day by staying smokefree. Put aside worry, anxiety, depression, any EXcuse that you would use to not get in or stay in the race of freedom. Take one day at a time, one step if necessary. Run the race diligently, steady and sure with endurance. Believe that you can. Keep your eye on the prize. Hang tough, stay close, be mindful, never give in, never give up.