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Share your quitting journey

We can make it Together.

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I am not at 7 days quit but for me I could have called this "hell week".  It has been an emotional roller coaster ride.  So many things to do, so many places to go still not done.   Hand surgery, church and family obligations the whole nine yards. Through it all still protecting my quit.  At one point this week, due to my emotional stressors, I thought I was going to leave EX.  When someone says they need a break from EX I can truly understand because we become attached to one another and want the very best for each other.  Or sometimes you just get burnt out trying to explain things to an addictive brain, even your own and get lost for the right words. 

Even though this week has had its moments, I am so happy and so proud of my "quit buddies" and all the other celebrations.   We have had some really wonderful celebrations this month tjanddj akaTrudy  Summer-Rain, prjimm01, bonniebeewsfsrfamily  Bonnie_12-28-2014  hope I did not miss anyone.  I just want to brag on them a little.  We have crossed the line to the 800”s.  Wow! What a day what a day!  I didn’t think it would matter that much but I was wrong. 

 As I reflect on the time that has passed on this journey to freedom and the crisis that some have gone through; loss of a love one, family disagreements, illnesses, remembering the loss of a love one, financial and health issues, no matter what the challenge we stuck it out, together.  Some had greater challenges than others but we made it through together.     We connected on this quit journey and have remained. connected  Some we don’t see as often but still connected.  djmurray brittany4  It is an awesome feeling to look upon our accomplishments together.  It is amazing what can be done through a virtual online website together.  Not only my quit buddies but those with more or less quit time who have been here day after day, mentoring,  inspiring and helping in any way possible.   Those who have not given up and continue to fight the addiction one day at a time. 

I remember when we first started this journey together.  In the beginning it was not easy but we stayed close and listened to the elders.  OPh Bonnie,.at first we had to really tow the line and keep her moving, but through God' grace she is now towing the line for us all.  Thank you BonnieBee. Things change for the better if you stay the course.   We latched on to each other and did not let go.  If one would be having difficulty another would come and pick the other up with a no matter what attitude of encouragement that we are going to make it and not smoke no matter what!  NOPE kept us free. I believe the key for us was honest communication.  We talked to each other about what we were going through in our quits and what was happening in our lives, just about anything. 

I have read a recent blog that states they can do it alone, their way.  If you are still puffing you are not doing it.  Greater success is in numbers….together.    That is why we come to EX for support so we don’t have to do it alone.   We may not always agree but we can “try” to agree to disagree.  Amen.  As in life we will not always see eye to eye but through forgiveness. kindness, love we won’t have to smoke over it.  Amen?  Somehow we pull it together and keep it moving. This is a together project,  like family, stay in the family and protect your quit.  We know some cannot be here all the time but stop by and give your support.  

For those who have lost their way on their freedom from nicotine journey,  we welcome you back to the task of quitting smoking.   With NOPE it is doable.  Hang tough,  Stay close,  Be mindful, Don’t ever give up, Don’t quit on your quit,  protect it.  We are here for each other.  Reach out to someone for support and be a support to someone.  

Together we can make it.Image result for row boat team

About the Author
Lay aside every weight that may be slowing you down. Make up your mind not to allow doubt cause you to stumble. You can do this! Do not allow fear , False Expectations Appearing Real to hold you down. You can do this! Break the chains of addiction, forgive yourself for ever smoking. move forward and start loving yourself more each day by staying smokefree. Put aside worry, anxiety, depression, any EXcuse that you would use to not get in or stay in the race of freedom. Take one day at a time, one step if necessary. Run the race diligently, steady and sure with endurance. Believe that you can. Keep your eye on the prize. Hang tough, stay close, be mindful, never give in, never give up.