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Share your quitting journey

Day 5 and it's F-R-I-D-A-Y

2 15 127

YES! I made it through a work week without smoking! Wednesday was an intense day but overall it was a successful week. Since I'm on Chantix, cravings aren't an issue but the psychological part of it is what I'm trying to conquer. I've been trying to notice when I think about smoking...when I end conversations, finish some sort of task (big or small), after eating (although I'm not really hungry - it might be Chantix. I have to watch that so I don't get sick.). I start thinking about smoking about a half hour before I leave from work. When I get home I just rest - I can't keep laying around when I get home but I figure I'll baby myself for a week or so. 

Oddly enough, I find that doing the NYT Crossword Puzzle online helps me take my mind off of smoking. Just a few minutes or so seems to do the trick. And, I jump over to this site and keep reading and looking around. 

The ultimate test is when I have to fly to the East Coast to see my son in July. Flying makes me insane. I'll worry about that later.