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Share your quitting journey

The Preparation So Far

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Well, I will be putting down cigarettes for good one week from tomorrow. I chose this date as my Quit Day for a couple of reasons; I will be flying to Florida so there will be a huge chunk of the day where I can't smoke, and I am changing my physical location and daily routine for 5 days. Also, since I was preparing to quit uninformed and ignorant I probably have a much better chance of success now. I have used this past week without the patch and steroids to re-experience smoking and re-affirm my desire to quit. It wasn't as easy to resist cravings this week, but I have also not returned to my pre-cold from you know where/COPD diagnosis levels of smoking (and drinking). I don't like the taste of cigarettes, the interference with my breathing, the cost and the increased mucus production in my sinuses. I also believe I will be able to eventually stop taking my high blood pressure medicine and not need to use Flonase on a daily basis once I quit. I am always happiest when I don't have to take meds. I do like the changes I have made in my life; riding my bike more, eating more healthy and Yoga. I like some of the physical changes I have noticed just by decreasing my smoking like being able to breath through my nose on a consistent basis, sleeping through the night without coughing myself awake and having a more alert and present mental state. Some of this is also due to me not counter-acting my anti-depressant with alcohol, but I believe everything is a factor.

Beginning tomorrow, I will start delaying giving into the nicotine cravings using the items in my quit kit. I will spend my last week of being a smoker fine tuning how I handle craves and try to identify specific coping mechanisms for specific situations. For example, if I get stressed, I will remove myself from the stressful situation without grabbing a smoke, take some deep breaths and maybe do some type of exercise to expend the energy that seems to build in me during those times. I am still toying with getting a punching bag and gloves, but not sure where I could hang it yet.

I'm sure I sound like a broken record, but I really feel I can't say thank you enough for all the support, advice and patience. Each time I read a post, a blog, a comment or an article someone has directed me or the community towards, I feel stronger and better equipped to walk away from smoking. I am losing the fear of life without nicotine and gaining confidence that I can live nicotine free. I can quit and I will quit!! I love life and would really like to keep living so it's time to stop trying to kill myself.

As always, your thoughts, advice and support is welcome and needed!

Have an awesome Saturday!


About the Author
Hello. My name is Dian and my quit date is 7/2/2017. I am 54 years old and live with my brother and sister-in-law. My current occupation is caregiver to my 3 nephews ages 5-10. I work 40-50 hours per week in my "Nauntie" role. I have smoked for 33 years and alcohol has been a daily part of my life for approximately 13 years. In addition, I have dealt with depression and anxiety for 30+ years. I am pretty hard-headed and determined. I tend to believe I can treat myself medically because I was a Hospital Corpsman in the Navy, earned an associate’s degree in Health Information Technology and have an affinity for medicine. Six weeks ago I was smoking 20-30 cigarettes per day and drinking an average of 4-6 beers per night for at least the last 9 months. Then I caught what I thought was a normal cold on May 14th. After treating it myself unsuccessfully for a week and coughing so hard as to cause one of the most severe headaches I have ever had, I went to a Take Care clinic to have my lungs listened to and possibly get some steroids. The Nurse Practioner recommended I go to the ER. ER gave me IV steroids and 2 hour long breathing treatments. Left with a whole host of prescriptions. I followed up with my primary care Dr the following Tuesday and he continued the treatment plan. That night and the following morning I had hour-long, incapacitating coughing fits. I could not do anything but cough. My sister in law rearranged her entire day to work from home because she was not comfortable leaving me alone with a 5 year old. I called my Dr. The next morning his nurse called me to let me know about a steroid extension, and then I coughed. She told me I needed to go to Immediate Care as soon as possible. So off I go to the dr. again. He put me in the hospital because outpatient treatment was failing. Two days in the hospital and here we are today. I will be taking a pulmonary function test this Tuesday to confirm or rule out COPD. I have been actively trying to find relief from my depression, this round, through professionals for the last 3 years. I started Lexapro in December and I think it was starting to finally work just before "the cold", despite the amount of alcohol I was drinking. I have not only decided to quit smoking, but I have changed the way I was “living” life. Better nutrition, exercise, quit smoking and quit hiding behind alcohol. If I think about it too much it seems daunting, but it feels right for me at this time so I’m going with for it. I am being very gentle with myself while still holding myself accountable. I know I can do this.