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What I did, am doing or will do after relapse!!!

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As many of you know, I recently relapsed. Prior to relapsing, I had a slip. After I slipped, I felt my foundation cracking beneath me. Determined to find answers, I took a week to really look deep within myself and figure out what was causing all of this. I thought it might be helpful to look at, as well as to add your ideas to my list, on how to get back on track! Thanks to each and every single one of you who has showered me with love, hugs, laughter, as well as being sounding boards!
1. For the first 3-5 days our body’s blood sugars drop. This can make us feel much worse. Drink lots of juice or eat 3 oranges a day (healthier), to not only get a good dose of Vitamin C, but to also restore your blood sugars back to normal. Also, you can buy Glucose tablets at most pharmacy’s and they will accomplish the same results – eat about 4 per day.
2. Forgive yourself and remember that you are human. Humans were meant to make mistakes. We learn from them! Learning the hard way is the best lesson ever. It is harder to quit the second time around so don’t beat up upon yourself! Instead, dust yourself off and get back up on your horse! Relapses are not failures unless we don’t try to quit again.
3. Keep a journal and write about two things. First how you feel physically, mentally and spiritually. Secondly, write down why you are grateful to be a non-smoker. You can write in it while you sip your coffee, which will keep your mind busy! This journal can come in very handy as a reference, if you feel shaky further into your quit. Sometimes, as we get further and further away from HELL week, we forget just how tough it can be. Flipping back to our writings during HELL week is an awesome way to remember.
4. Pray to the God of your understanding if you have one. Pray for those you love. Pray for those who are less fortunate than you in 3rd world countries, starving, homeless, diseased and thirsty for clean water. Also pray for those who are in war-torn countries, for those who are homeless, for those who are suffering from natural disasters, diseases and for those who are losing their homes. Finally pray for yourself. Ask your God to take away your desire to smoke. You may even want to write your prayer in your journal. It is said that when you think things and then write them down, that you are giving yourself a double dose!!
5. Make a daily pledge every single day. It will help you to be true to yourself and others!
6. Eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner with healthy snacks in between. We all know that when we quit smoking that our metabolism drops. Many of us also cut down on caffeine, which also raises our metabolism. Here are some foods that boost your metabolism:
a. Grapefruit
b. lean protein (energy drinks are great)
c. hot peppers
d. green tea
e. celery (you actually burn calories to break it down)
f. oatmeal
g. broccoli
h. spinach
i. coffee
j. whole grains
k. low-fat yogurt
l. salmon, tuna, and sardines
m. chicken noodle soup
n. apples and pears
o. water
p. whey protein
q. almonds
r. peanut butter
s. berries
t. cayenne pepper
u. beans
7. Also, eat lots of fiber as well. I found that I was getting constipated and added bran cereal to my diet. Also, apples, broccoli and pears are an excellent source of fiber!
8. Exercise, especially weight lifting, will help to increase your metabolism. Walking is a great way to stave of cravings, especially if you are outdoors – deep breathe!!
9. Meditate or repeat affirmations. Keep all affirmations positive. My affirmation/mantra used to be, “Smoking is not an option.” However, after doing further research, I learned that the NOT in that sentence is a big NO! Saying statements that have negative connotations purportedly do quite the opposite than your original intent. I now use, “I am a happy, healthy ex-smoker.” Some others, by Louis Hay are: “I relax and recognize my self worth.” “Life is easy and Joyful.” “I am willing to change and to grow. I now create a safe new future.” Also, there is a free meditation on that is a guided, relaxation meditation. You can do it while sitting at your computer. It only takes 10 minutes and it will clear your head, if you just let yourself relax and go with it!!!
10. Make some quit buddies here and check in with them every single day! If you can e-mail back and forth or chat with them online! It really helps!! Get their phone numbers and e-mails and call them if you need to!
11. I highly recommend . This site shows us how to observe cravings, as well as how to stop fighting them. Also do some reading on There are so many good articles and videos there. You can also watch the video on my page. It will make you think twice, no doubt!!
12. If you feel like smoking, get online immediately and ask for help. There is almost always somebody online who can help you. Also, you may want to find out the phone number for a quit smoking hotline in your state. I was one never to reach out for help and that is NOT a good thing!
13. Put Vic’s Vapor rub in your nostrils!! Yes, I know it sounds horrible, but it does make you feel better. Also, arm yourself with cinnamon or peppermint altoids, jolly ranchers, gum, breathsavers, black licorice, cinnamon sticks to suck and inhale on, cut straws to keep your hands busy and to put in your mouth, shelled pistachios or sunflower seeds, etc.
14. Start sending people funny pictures. Laughter is the best medicine! Some great sites are ,,, . If you need help on how to use html, just ask anyone who is posting pictures!
15. Help others who are just beginning to quit. Not only will it help you, but you will also find great joy in knowing that you could possibly be helping someone to save their lives!
16. Baby steps and one day at a time are very important. Don’t focus on the future and the fact that you will never smoke again. That is overwhelming…Instead, tell yourself, “I am a healthy, happy non smoker today!” Don’t try to do too much at once. Instead prioritize and do what you can. You can always add more to your list as time goes on! Never overwhelm yourself.
17. Pick up a hobby or continue doing a hobby that you love! Keep your mind as busy as possible.
18. Go to and do a search on quit smoking. You will find a whole slew of videos there that will make you think twice about lighting up.
19. Balance is tough. It’s impossible to achieve balance at all times, due to external forces that tend to interrupt our lives. However, harmony is very achievable! Fill your day with gratitude, humility, kindness and love.
20. Use the serenity prayer. We have the courage to change the things we cannot accept!!
21. Keep your guard up at all times. PROTECT your quit with ever ounce and fiber of your being!
PHEW…I think I am done, but I’m sure that I’ll think of more things as soon as I post this!!
I can’t thank those of you who have reached out to me and helped me enough! We are all one heck of a great team! Be proud of yourselves and pat yourselves on the back for your accomplishments!! We are all WORTHY of this precious gift called LIFE!! Keep on keepin’ on!!!