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Share your quitting journey


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Sorry I haven't been writing here for a while. I've been stuffing feelings into corners and drawers, and that always keeps me mute. I once used cigarettes to stuff that stuff back down; not sure what I used before those nasty stink-sticks.  Oh, heck, bubble gum, anything I could chew on. I started stuffing when I was no older than 5 or 6. There are consequences of living an uncensured life. Oh but then, I did have an amazing decade or so, somewhere between18 - 38, when I ruled the world. Did, said, ate, drank and smoked what I liked. Total naked delight. Supported myself with my art. Crazy motivated to be alive.

And then, what, I woke up? In a way. Things happened. I dropped my rose colored glasses in the mud. Let happenstance steal my self confidence. I was just going to say that I don't want an uncesured life again. LIe. You probably can have one, without all the noise and fuss and bother, I bet.

I do wish that I could complete a whole thought, though, inside my head, without having to **bleep** myself. And then, actually express that fragile little beauty without breaking it to bits trying to get it out. The crowds would nod and say, "oh, wow, cool, wish I'd said that. How true; aren't you clever." Everyone lovin' life, buying that new design and clammering for more.

So, Self, how's that goin' for ya?

Anyway, thought I'd repage myself here. I recently went gray, and when I get a pic I'll put it up here. It suits me. It is no frelling-dah, another step toward becoming visable again. In preparation, I wanted to freshen up my countdown clock, and replace that cinnabar background. But I can't seem to do it. When I try to edit my profile, I can't see my clock (the code is not in any field that I can see).  When I try to edit my page, I don't see anywhere to reset the background.

Can someone help, please? Oh yeah, and how about a spell-check on here?