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Share your quitting journey

Overcoming Fear

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If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed. David Viscott



Are you a bit afraid of quitting? There's nothing more natural in the World! I was afraid of the cravings, afraid of the weight gain, afraid of the mood changes, afraid of the temptation, afraid of failure, AFRAID! We live in a society that unfortunately plays on our fears for political, comercial, and personal reasons! The comercials tell you that "Quitting sucks!" The politicians, pharmaceuticals and yes, even Doctors,  tell you that it's hard to quit (but we'll be happy to sell you NRTS!) The tobacco industry lies about how safe - er their sickorettes are! Our smoking friends are glad to tell you horror stories of their unsuccessful "quits!" FEAR is an industry in our times!


Then there is BecomeanEx Community (not to be confused with BecomeanEx admin!) who tell you that it really makes no difference if you can afford NRTs and Chantix although if you do find them helpful by all means use them!  it 's not necessary to let this be a huge deprivation full of sacrifice, mood changes, and weight gain! You don't have to be miserable, grumpy, impossible to live with!


What are we "selling?" Actually nothing at all! Yet, we are not disinterested! We sincerely CARE! And we have found and are sharing SUCCESS! But it's not success that you can buy! It's FREE! We are sharing ATTITUDE! You see, we found out that when you overcome those fears, when you make that leap of faith in yourself, when you expect success, you can not only have a successful quit - YOU CAN have a Happy Quit! When I started reading here, I'll be honest, I was sceptical! Oh come on! It can't be that easy - or so I thought! But I was intrigued! I kept reading and the more I read, the more I wanted to read! What do you mean not giving up anything? Am I not giving up my best friend, my faithful and constant companion? Well, I see now that my best friend was interested in only one thing - killing me while robbing me of all my money and of my dignity and self-respect! Jeepers! With friends like that, who needs enemies???!!! 

Are you going to believe the "common wisdom" that quitting is the hardest thing you'll ever have to do?" Or are you willing to look at the possibility that quitting smoking is the very best decision you can possibly make for your health and happiness? Quitting is not an event, but a way of life - living abundantly addiction FREE! Quitting is about regaining your integrity, about returning to the real you that your Creator intends for you to be! Quitting renews your health, your self-respect, your relationships, your LIFE! Rather than the end of your "favorite vice" it is the beginning of a new way of thinking and relishing all that life has to offer!


Having quit over 3 years ago, I can assure you that I take better care of all aspects of my health today! I take much better care of my emotional health as well! I make better career and practical choices about subjects that seemingly have nothing whatsoever to do with tobacco! I navigate my relationships both social and family with more honesty and patience, with more compassion for others, with more generosity of self! Yes, I AM Happier!


Honestly, yes! There were some rough moments! There were some very challenging days! There still are some occasional temptations! That's the nature of the addictive mind! But you couldn't make me go back to smoking and give up this FREEDOM and wellbeing for anything, for any reason NO MATTER WHAT!


So consider this - make that leap! Put aside your fears! You CAN do this and you have a whole Community of sincere people here to help you! They have all been exactly where you are today! And THEY SUCCEEDED! YOU CAN TOO!


Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.

-William Shakespeare


One who fears failure limits his activities. 

Failure is only the opportunity to more 

intelligently begin again.

-Henry Ford


What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?

-Vincent van Gogh

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1