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R.J. Reynolds offers clarification on Snus

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I want to offer additional facts regarding the Gazette's Feb. 27 story referencing smokeless tobacco products made by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and other tobacco companies.

It is a guiding principle of R.J. Reynolds that minors should never use tobacco products. The story implied certain dissolvable tobacco products are targeted toward youth. Camel Snus and Camel dissolvables are, in fact, made for and marketed to adult tobacco consumers in an effort to encourage them to switch from cigarettes to these smokeless tobacco products.

The products are sold and advertised on the same store shelves as other tobacco products, behind the sales counter, requiring a clerk's assistance to access. Proof of age is required to purchase these products.

According to the latest federal government research, retailers in Montana are at a 96.4 percent compliance rate in preventing illegal sales of tobacco to minors. Additionally, in Montana, it is illegal for youth to possess tobacco products. R.J. Reynolds supports strong enforcement of these laws.

We believe adult smokers have a right to be fully and accurately informed about the risks of serious diseases, the significant differences in the comparative risks of different tobacco and nicotine-based products, and the benefits of switching or quitting. This information should be based on sound science.

Had R.J. Reynolds been contacted for the story, we would have been happy to provide you this relevant information.

Richard J. Smith

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About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1