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Beating the NicoDemon!

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The best way to get through those first days is to understand addiction! It's all about you vs. you! In other words, a part of you that I call the NicoDemon is the part that is infected with your addiction - the Junkie inside you! The other part is the REAL YOU who's been hiding under that smoke cloud and screaming to get out and be FREE - the Creator-given YOU! A lot of beginners kind of know this and so they try to fight one side against the other! But fighting with yourself can be exhausting! The NicoDemon has only one goal in mind - the NEXT FIX! And it will go to any lengths to get it! It will lie, deceive, pressure, create anxiety, fear, doubt, whatever it takes to get you to the NEXT FIX! Your Creator-given self is going to get so worn down trying to fight it that it gives in and then the vicious cycle starts again! Only now, it can use shame, embarrassment, failure, as weapons too! So what is a person to do???? The best way to fight the NicoDemon is to ignore it! STOP giving it energy and it will wilt away into a little teeny gnat of annoyance easier and easier to ignore!Here's some suggestions: -Follow your Passion -Stay very very Busy -Have FUN! -Keep your Eyes on the Prize! FREEDOM! -Keep your Promise to your REAL SELF! -Have Confidence -If you don't have confidence then Fake it till you Make it! -Use Positive Affirmations -Use Relaxation Exercises -Rely on your Support System (remember, We are a part and maybe all of your support system and we are here for you!) -EXERCISE! IGNORE THE NICODEMON! Don't feed the Monster either it's FIX or YOUR ENERGY! You are a WINNER! Never let doubt to enter your mind! The question isn't: to smoke or not to smoke! The question is: "What do I do instead????" Smoking is simply NOT AN OPTION! Beat the NicoDemon! IGNORE IT!
About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1