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(: Living Smokefree is pure Freedom :)

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My oldest sister Cheryl called me before 7 this morning I was still sleeping so I got up and she was yammering a mile a minute   whew hubby turned the coffee on for me, he's feeling better and went to work I don't feel overly bad with this cold bug anyway I haven't seen Cheryl in 6 yrs since I hooked up with her on a bus tour in Nova Scotia, she  hasn't been here in NB in 23 years BUT she's coming home on the 24th of May for a week with her husband so we're both pretty excited, she'll be staying with me most of the time so I'll be taking her around places her husband will stay with Dad so it's going to be busy but wonderful. She talked for 2 hours this morning whew I'm so glad that I don't smoke anymore because my head feels huge now BUT if I was still smoking I would've smoked at least 8 cigarettes and at least 4 coffee and my head would be exploding right about NOW I don't like being woke up like that especially sick with a full head BUT thankfully I wised up and kicked those disgusting cancer sticks away 1,758 glorious Days ago or something like that BUT my point is I'm Smokefree and I plan on remaining vigilant and I'll always remember and N.E.F - Never Ever Forget that horrid DAY ONE or those early days and weeks of quitting smoking because I never ever want to go backwards BUT I still smile at each and every Day WON because Freedom Rocks....... Cheryl's husband still smokes and I thought she quit completely when she got breast cancer 4 years ago but I asked her this morning if she's actually done and she said she has the odd cigarette! I told her I couldn't do that! That I wouldn't even consider it because I'd be right back smoking 30 a day again so whoa in my opinion I'm not sure if this is Dale's saying or Not BUT I told Cheryl  if you quit smoking and you're still smoking then your doing it wrong! N.O.P.E MEANS - N.O.P.E - NOT ONE PUFF EVER .......


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About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....