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(: It's the 1st Hump Day of May :)

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Our buddy our pal our friend our Hump Day Camel George and I want to wish everyone on this chilly start to the day at a brrrrr 29 degrees here in the Maritimes a wonderful Smokefree day on this 1st day of May plus it's International Worker's Day, I cleaned up my patio area and set up the patio furniture yesterday it warmed up to 49 but felt alot warmer then when Mason got here after school he helped me put the canopy on the swing I had several thoughts of just ONE would be OK for a job well done oh yeah!  BUT Thankfully I know better we all know better this is why vigilance is so important because it would only take one split second  to screw up a perfectly beautiful quit! I also woke up at 2:30 with a Cigarette in one Hand and a drink in the other UGH! I'll have 5 years of Smobriety in July plus I have well over 8 years of Sobriety so I will not allow myself to become lazy and complacent. We must always remember and N.E.F - Never Ever Forget - DAY ONE - or those early days and weeks - N.O.P.E - Not One Puff Ever and vigilance guarantees us a Smokefree Life as long as we stick with our quits N.M.W - No Matter What then we'll continue to reap the benefits of being an Ex Smoker Non Smoker or EXer it doesn't matter what we call it as long as we stick with our precious quits so each evening we can look ourselves in the mirror and say YAY for another Day WON......


About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....