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Birds-Nicotine Addiction and Simplicity ...What they have in common

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One of my dearest friends is a lover of birds and has many of her own and rescues birds also. Anyway...

A couple days ago she asked me if I would drive with her to Detroit Michigan to go see a bird she found advertised on Craigslist. Usually I would go on these trips with her but this week is exceptionally busy for me and I couldn't go.

As I was sharing this with my husband he had the simplest solution for her. he said " Did you tell her theres lots of birds in Ohio". It was pretty funny in the moment but then thinking about was so darn simple as well.

Perhaps simplicity is all any of us need at any given time for any given situation. Perhaps we all need to jump in the backseat and focus more on whats right in front of us. Perhaps that may lead us out of the fear inside driven by the unknown...including the fears to quit smoking. 


Perhaps a bit of simplicity would allow us to quit directing every single thing and allow us to just bathe in, rest in the very moment all allow healing from whatever hectic matter is going on in ur life.


After all...just like the birds in Michigan and Ohio, everything we need is already of part of us. We just need to learn how to tap into being quiet enough to look inside and find it. In a world of computers, cell phones and crazy...we often forget to just slow down and rest. Stop rushing-planning-learn to be more patient. Live without your computer or phone for a day, I dare you. I do it from time to time and its liberating and makes me focus on things I normally would not that need my attention.

Just my thoughts this morning as I ready myself for work. Happy Hump Day!

PS: My friend ended up not going to Michigan and she did find a bird in Ohio

About the Author
Smoking is not an option for me. I no longer have a wishbone to quit smoking...I developed a backbone and I quit. When you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, you will quit smoking too.