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I had previously mentioned that this day would be coming soon.  Quite frankly, I have been anticipating this day.  It feels like celebrating day 1 or 3, 21, 30, 50, 60, 90, 100, 200. (My Milestones)  Yes! Thank God I have made it this far without a single puff. NOPE​  I started out just like you new guys and gals. Sometimes it was one day at a time.   Fear of failure, wondering, am I going to make it?  Insomnia. When will the thoughts stop? Living all of my emotions all the way LIVE. Thank God at the time I lived alone.  Reprogramming my thinking to believe that I do not have to smoke.  Talking to myself, telling myself no, "I don't do that anymore".  Blogging, reading blogs, commenting, researching and learning about nicotine addiction.   Some days my eyes would be so tired and hurting from reading the elders pages and other suggested information i would have to take a break.  I would be up early mornings learning how to do things differently.   Ex had become my new addiction.  I finally was giving my quit 100% which I never really did before.   POW! BAM! My ah ha moment at  day 83 finally mentally 100%  believing  that I am a nonsmoker. My overall confidence taken to a new level.  My advice is don't give up don't give in no matter what smoking is not an option. SINAO  Today I humbly bow my head in gratitude for the support of my Ex Community friends and the elders at 300 days smoke free and still learning.   My forever quit.  6% here I come!  To God be the Glory Amen.

About the Author
Lay aside every weight that may be slowing you down. Make up your mind not to allow doubt cause you to stumble. You can do this! Do not allow fear , False Expectations Appearing Real to hold you down. You can do this! Break the chains of addiction, forgive yourself for ever smoking. move forward and start loving yourself more each day by staying smokefree. Put aside worry, anxiety, depression, any EXcuse that you would use to not get in or stay in the race of freedom. Take one day at a time, one step if necessary. Run the race diligently, steady and sure with endurance. Believe that you can. Keep your eye on the prize. Hang tough, stay close, be mindful, never give in, never give up.