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Share your quitting journey


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I would ask each and every one of you to express, as CALMLY as you can, the problems you're having with the site.  Let's confine it to one area - this blog.  Simply because I thought of it - is all.  And if we confine it to one area, the mighty "powers that be" will be more able to "get it" in a nice package  than having to search and wade  through a million and one blogs, posts, etc. all over the site.

First simply technically explain what the problems are that you're having since the site first changed.  Give as much information as you can.  What browser do you use, for example.  What happens when you try to log onto the site.  Some people are being thrown off.  I read one post where someone got 809 or whatever new messages.  Describe your computer operating system if you know it - just give them as much help as you can in that area.  The very little I know about programming - it ain't easy and they need such help.  If you're not at all computer savvy and don't know a thing about your browser or operating system, then just explain what's happening when you try to log on and maneuver around the site.  Just state the facts, not your opinion about it.  That’ll be next.

Second.  You've expressed yourselves all over this site as to your dislike of the badges, EXpert status, etc.  We ALL think it's a bad idea.  It has created havoc within the community in a way I've never seen before.  And I've been here a while.  So - if you can, without rancor, plainly, honesty express  why you don't like it, and  why you think it's  harmful to the community.  Using humor in the process wouldn’t be a bad idea.  Just take a breath here and try to relax and explain it all calmly.  If you've put out a blog about it, you might want to just copy the blog itself and put it here.

I'm just trying to enable this blog to be a holding area for all this stuff to make it easier and more accessible for those who can effect the changes to the community website that a great many of us are requesting.

I've been a part of this community since May 2008 (it says on my "Quit Info” ‘cause I just looked it up).  I was just gonna say "a long time."  It means a lot me.  I would hate to see it's demise because of some ill-thought-out conceptual decisions on the part of the "Creators."  Whomever they be.  I was here for the first major site change which was, to my mind pretty bad, but we all weathered through it.  Well, some.  Some left because of it.  Then we had this recent one a couple of months ago.  And for some of us old timers, there were many good aspects to that change.  What is NOT good about it is the difficulty that people have been having connecting to the site, navigating around it, having it mess up their pages,  etc.  The new tabs and things like that are great.  But members are gonna leave if it takes too long to get where they need to for support.  Because support is what makes this community extremely unique.  To my mind anyway.  Because quitting smoking takes multilevel support.  And that’s what we’ve got.  But it’s waning with the capacities we’re losing.

Graphics and all those things are great fun.  That we no longer can put up blog pictures to attract members is ok.  We can live with that.  We are able to change and adapt to a great extent.  We're quitters after all.  We've chosen to alter our entire lives.   But we can’t receive and give support on here if we can’t get around to communicate with each other.

So my friends and fellow quitters.  Please do not lose heart, do not lose faith and above all,  please do not lose your quits over this.  Just keep breathing and as I said, as calmly as you can, just explain from your heart what is not working for you.  I believe we as a community are important enough to have an influence on the makers of this site.  I certainly hope so.  ‘Cause if we aren't, then there really is no point in being here.  Then this site is not better than any other.  And I happen to think we’re rather unique.

With love.  Giulia

About the Author
Member since MAY 2008. I quit smoking March 1, 2006. I smoked a pack and a half a day for about 35 years. What did it take to get me smoke free? Perseverance, a promise not to smoke, and a willingness to be uncomfortable for as long as it took to get me to where I am today. I am an Ex but I have not forgotten the initial difficult journey of this rite of passage. That's one of the things that's keeping me proudly smoke free. I don't want to ever have another Day 1 again. You too can achieve your goal of being finally free forever. Change your mind, change your habits, alter your focus, release the myths you hold about smoking. And above all - keep your sense of hewmer. DAY WON - NEVER ANOTHER DAY ONE. If you still want one - you're still vulnerable. Protect your quit!