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Today is a new day!!

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Things just look different today, though we can't seem to pinpoint just what it is. Or can we? Today is another celebration for all who are smoke free. In fact, every day is a celebration when we work our way slowly and carefully toward freedom. Sure, yesterday might have been filled with endless urges but that doesn't mean that today has to be that way.

And if we had one of those calm days then the same holds true. Each day is a new beginning. What we do with that beginning depends on us. And how we react to those things that we do is also up to us. We can mourn the loss that comes from feeding the old addiction or we can do what we should be doing and celebrate!

We can dwell upon all those triggers and urges or we can see them for what they are and dismiss them before they have a chance to do us any damage. Today is a good day not to smoke. We can worry about tomorrow when it get's here. But one thing is certain. If we remain smoke free today then tomorrow is going to seem like a much brighter day, now isn't it?

After all, when we decide to quit smoking we kind of make a deal with ourselves for the long haul. We have to face the facts of our addictions, learn our addictions and then use that knowledge to defeat what we know is a very negative aspect in our lives.

No matter what today may bring be it a day of urges or a day of peace, never forget that so long as nothing gets in the way of our commitment then we have a goal for tomorrow. Each day that we walk the path of freedom brings us closer to that life of peace that awaits us. Each day brings us closer to the summit of Mt. Freedom. Each day gives us yet another opportunity to laugh at the addict within as he tries to get us to listen to his whispers of death.

For in a way we are warriors! It's true that the battle takes place entirely within ourselves and yet we have to fight for our freedom. We have to take back what was once ours and learn to live once again in the reality of life instead of the deception of addiction.

So go for it my friends!! Take this fight to the very interior of your soul. Take this fight to the depths of your mind where the addict within lives. Spend each new day ripping yet another of those tentacles of addiction from yourself and always keep your eye on the prize because one new day you'll wake up and realize that today is an incredibly good day because yes there is peace. Yes, there is freedom. And yes, life is indeed as precious as we always remembered it to be.

And all we had to do was live the journey one new day at a time . . .