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Share your quitting journey

3 Days till quit date

0 5 11

 Well, it's getting closer with each passing day. The day of freedom that I so long to feel! The day when I take my life back from myself! I'm actually looking forward to it though every now and then the mind tries to rebel. But it's so easy to change one's thought patterns when what we are doing is something positive.

 I found out that on my quit date, I may be travelling to work in another city. That may bother some but to me I see it as opportunity. You see, I've already beat the trigger that's associated with driving. It's one of the first one's I worked on and found it easy. And on top of that, I won't have any cigarettes with me. So really all I have to do is not buy any. That will be easy I think.

 Even though my partner is an avid smoker, he won't get to me for you see I'm committed to this quit and have already decided that if I can't be around others who smoke then I won't be able to win this battle. I'm doing this for me and not for anyone else. And he's the type that will at least roll down the window when he smokes.

 Rather then look at what I'm missing I think watching him smoke will make me realize what I'm achieving. It will reinforce my reasons for wanting to quit. And since there's really no perfect time to quit I feel that attacking my quit head on and facing life's little challenges on my first day will be nothing but helpful to me down the road for you see, if I can get over the first little hurdle on a day that might not be the easiest then it will reinforce my mind that I can get through any day without the nasty irritating cigarettes.

Still looking forward to a smoke free life!