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Emma and the Rainbow Bridge

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Today is a sad day for me and my friend Karen Our little Emma pictured above passed away last night it happened so fast there was nothing we could do Karen tried to hand feed her when we realized how sick she was but it was to late she cold not even swallow the blended greens . Karen took it so hard because really the  bunnies are hers more then they are mine she got them and does almost all of there care . 

The day before our car died Karen was driving and she didn't know the oil was leaking out ,by the time she realized it the engine was ruined . 

When it rains it pours as the old saying goes........... . 

For those of you who remember some of my last posts you may remember how disappointed I was when because of my illness and my daughter returning to Michigan I had to cancel my vacation to see some of my family and return to my beloved Island for a visit .

This is the  silver lining to that disappointment  : I was just notified a few weeks ago that we are having our 50th Class Reunion which is to be October 21st on Martha's Vineyard Island . Not much notice but if I had taken my vacation  earlier I would not have been able to afford to go again ! I was able to get a round trip bus ticket and pay the money for the reunion but then comes another problem car to get to the bus station in Springfield Ma. Karen had planned to give me a ride it is over an hour away . I may be able to change my ticket to leave from Brattleboro Vt. I  already changed it once because Karen bought it for me online for the wrong days ! Do you think we could get a hold of a real person at Peter Pan ? No way ! We had to drive all the way to the nearest bus station in North Hampton . Ma . a 40 minutes drive away  and an added $ 10 to change the ticket ! 

                                  So now what to do and our  little  rabbit Emma died ...what next !

I do know one thing I will not smoke over it even if I don't get to go ! I am over the need to smoke away my stress it never worked anyway. Stress ,disappointments, sadness ,anger and grief all the ups and downs of life were never changed by smoking. The relief was only the  relief of the stress and nervousness caused by the addiction itself. If you are a newbie it may be hard to see that right now but as you progress in the  withdrawal and the journey continues you will begin to realize this as a fact . The more your romance the cigarette in your head the harder it is to quit! See it as it really is..... an awful addiction  that you became hooked to and it  became a part of everything you did ,getting up ,after eating , when happy , when sad , after a shower , before bed , sometimes the middle of the night ( for me ! )  when driving , break time at work or even a reward for a task finished on and on   so much a part of everything !

                                             Break the bonds that chain you !!! Ex helped me to do just that ! emma and lila in the sun 1 (4).JPGEmma is the white bunny she was 9 years old now I feel bad for Lila she is left alone without her close buddy 

                                                       sayings quit free.png

I do not blog often and it seems I only blog when everything is going wrong but I think that is a part of learning new ways to cope with the stresses and disappointments as an Ex-smoker so  thanks for being here and I mean allsayings quit  for hard times.jpg of you the newbies the Elders and all those in between !

About the Author
I am the Mother of 4 children , a Grandmother and Great Grandmother . I am a retired LNA /CNA and I live in South Western New Hampshire . I am a native of Martha's Vineyard Island . My room mate Karen and I have 6 pets : Two dogs Lily and Jonah, one cat Olivia, two bunnies Lila and Emma and one guinea pig Allie . I enjoy reading ,knitting, walking, especially in the woods, at the river or the beach I also like taking photographs with my camera . I miss my family and my Island .