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which one is worse

Do you think chewing or smoking is worse? Do you think one can kill you faster i would love to here what every one thinks?
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4 Replies

It's a tough question, because neither one of them is good for you.I would have to go with the chew, because you are actually putting the tobacco in you mouth and into your system.
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well, dip is definetally more addictive. ive learned this through personal expierence as well as a poster i read in the doctor's office just the other day that said that a 2-can a week dipper gets as much nicotine as a pack a day smoker. i quit cold turkey about this time last year for 4 months and then i started back. i definetally perfer dipping over smoking though. but due to recent dental work (a lot) and seeing an e-mail from the site in my in-box ive decided to come back and try to quit again.
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Good luck and don't give up. I've never chewed, but this site has definitely helped me. I'm at day 36 of not smoking and i couldn't have done it without all this support.

I think the level of nicotine you get when you chew is higher and you use it for a longer period of time (for example I usually put in a dip and leave it in for an hour at a time) so I think chewing is worse and it is harder to kick than cigarettes.  I would not recommend using chew to try and beat a cigarette addiciton.  You are opening a whole other can of worms...

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