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Give and get support around quitting

YOUR INFORMATION..please provide your quit date and your plan to quit. (meds?/cold turkey)

The aim is to help you get you into accepting and implementing changes in your

thought process when you are craving a cigarette so that you can walk through it

or step around it empowered.

This Post Is From 2011

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20 Replies

I quit Jan. 21 2010... cold turkey

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Today - February 17th, 2011.  My FIRST try.  I've smoked for 25 years and I"m so tired of thinking about quitting. Like most, I've been having this conversation with myself for at least 15 years.  I had issues yesterday trying to even imagine quitting today and didn't think I would make it 15 minutes after my first cup of coffee and it's 1:30 pm.  So nervous I smoked 2 packs yesterday instead of 1.  But actually I haven't had a cigarette since 8:00 pm last night.  So far, so good.  I'm just happy I've made it this far.  I didn't think I could even do that.  And so far the urges have not been bad at all.  BUT I don't want to be complacent about this - I know big, bad urges will come at me.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to actually quit on a very first try?  Funny, but yesterday, when I signed on to register, etc., the top blog post was jonescarp's about this first time group.  Good timing or what?  It did give me some encouragement.  By the way, I started Wellbutrin (same as Zyban) two weeks ago and have read Allen Carr's book.  Not using anything else.  

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Good Job You Two

This group was founded just for you

I quit my first attempt and that was over 4 years ago

This is very possible

I believe the secret  to this type of success  is  turning your mind when you get a crave

I used music but you can use exercise or nearly anything you love or have always wanted to do.

this is a new chapter in your lives

Think of something you always wanted to do or accomplish and fill your extra time with new thoughts.

when you get a craving?  laugh,

this will unfocus your mind from the fixation on a cigarette

any urgent questions just post on my page

There is no luck involved with this

be happy. You are on your way!

Go study the statements at the top of my page.

These are affirmations from my 4 years of experience smoke free.

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My quit date is 3-24-11 I am planing on using the patch. This is my first attempt at quitting smoking. I started smoking when I was 12 years old. I am 26 now. My reasons for wanting to quit are #1 It is too expensive, I am wasting money buying cigarettes while my family is in debt and struggling to live pay check to pay check. #2 I am worried about the future health problems that will be caused by my continued smoking and also the cost of medical care assoicated with smoking. #3 I want to set a good example for my children. I want them to know that smoking cigarettes is not cool and quitting can be done. Also I am not the type of person who belives in the saying " Do as I say not as I do."  I think kids follow in their parents footsteps and grow according to the example they are given, so I want to live my life the way I want them to live theirs.

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I am 44yrs. old, I was 6yrs old when I started smoking in the tunnel where I lived at 6. Me and my sister tried it and loved it. I don't know if it was because are parent's were so strict or we were being rebellious. Now I wish I never started smoking it's the worst thing I ever did. I have emphazyema and COPD, I also have heart problems and anurysms, I also had 2 strokes. If those aren't a good reason to quit I do not know what I need everyone's HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just started using this site and I do not know if I am doing it right or not, so someone PLEASE let me know if I am or not.


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Hi there. My name is Holly and I am 34 years old. I have smoked 21 years and this is my first time quitting. I have always felt that I can only be successful if I "want" to quit and up until now, I have not wanted to, so never attempted.

My quit date is Saturday, June 4th. I am doing much planning and research in prep for that day. Smoking has been a part of my life for a VERY long time, so I understand that this prep time is absolutely necessary to succeed. Right now I have 4 packs of cigarettes left, and on the count-down to my last puff. So, the plan is to quit cold turkey this Saturday.

Wishing everyone luck. I am thrilled to see there is an online community! I am sure I will need all of the support I can get in these coming days, months, and even years. And hopefully I can be the support others need as well.

I will no longer follow a cigarette!

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I'm Jonas. I've never really quit before. My quit date is 11/1/12. Right now I'm trying to figure out how and when I smoke. It seems to be mostly unconcsious on my part. I just light up automatically at work. Someone on this site suggested that I make my office smoke free and that's what I'm going to do. Right now I've made a deal with my kids that I won't smoke in the house anymore. I was using my garage/work room and my home office as smoking rooms since my kids aren't allowed there. Going outside should help since I usually don't have time to stop what I'm doing. My friend that told me about this site said to have only enough packs to last to my quit date so I threw away a carton. I'm really determained to do this. My daughter is still a baby and when she lays with her head on my chest she says that I growl like our dog. My blood pressure is up. I don't plan on using any medication but maybe I should. Any thoughts?

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This is day 1. I went to a 4 week class in my community and am going to use lozenges. I have told family and friends, most of them don't smoke so, I have lots of support. I'm scared but excited.

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