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Give and get support around quitting


I chain smoke for no reason and every reason,how am i going to quit?

I'm new to this,saw on t.v and thought i would try it.As i sit here i smoked 4 butts,and lighting another.My mom smokes,all my friends smoke.My boyfriend does not smoke,but he is far from sensitive to my needs.My boyfriend is also a trigger!! I have no support at all.I have tried to quit before and failed due to added stress and no support.I feel as though i'm truly failing my daughter.I look at her and say"no more butts!!' but 5 minutes later i'm smoking.Im a new mom to a 6 month old baby girl.She is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.If i cant quit for her,then i'm doomed...right?
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5 Replies

Don't consider yourself a failure for not being able to quit. Most everyone who tries to quit isn't successful the first time. Sometimes it takes several times. I have two children also, and I've tried to quit since they were babies. It's a matter of will, and I was never strong enough to quit. I would make excuses. It's tough, but you have to quit making excuses to smoke and turn that around into excuses not to smoke. A lot of quitting is physical, but a lot is mental, too. If you can overcome the mental, you will be able to overcome the physical. My advice is to NEVER give up. No matter how hard it is and no matter how many times you have to try. Oh, and don't worry about the people around you--do this for YOU. You deserve to quit. I wish you all the luck and will power in the world!!!
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THANK YOU DAWN : ) your right,i just wish i was as strong with this as i am with everything else.I wish quitting was as easy as starting!!haha
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"If i cant quit for her,then i'm doomed...right?"

You are not doomed - cuz if you are, then I am too! (but I don't believe I am) You can do this!

My daughter is the best thing that has ever happened to me too. She's 7 and I've tried quitting many, many times! Don't make her the reason to has to be YOU...You have to come first because if you don't take care of yourself, you can't give her the best care. Do it for YOU and ultimately you will be doing it for her. Take it one moment at a time.

No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
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Hi Summer, I too saw the ad on t.v. as I was sitting on the couch having a cigarette. I have many triggers but the hardest are my anxiety and depression and my relationship w/ my 18 yr. old (which is so sad). This site is great, so many supportive people, it's amazing. My quit day is Sept. 13th. Don't ask why I set it so far away. I think I did it to prepare myself because I know that too soon won't work for me. I have 5 daughters, the eldest is 20 and the youngest 12 and they HATE that I smoke. I will share this with you...something I read somewhere:

If I am willing to die for my children, then I am willing to LIVE FOR MY CHILDREN!

Isn't that a good one? Let's both keep this in mind. I'm hoping for the best for you. Let me know when your quit day is and I'll make sure I'll check out how your doing. Congratulations on your baby girl. All my best, Yvette
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That is one of the most powerful statements I think I have ever read/heard. (If I'm willing to die for my children I'm willing to LIVE FOR MY CHILDREN!!) I have never thought of it that way but it is so very true!! I plan on holding onto that gem of wisdom over the next weeks as I begin my own battle with quitting. Also to summer, I sympathize so much with how you feel. I have spent many nights crying myself to sleep feeling like the most horrible and selfish mother ever because I haven't been able to give up cigs for my own two babies (soon to be 3). I quit smoking when I was pregnant with my first but couldn't quit with my second and felt guilty and disgusting all the time during that pregnancy. I think we are all strong enough as women and mother's to kick this stupid worthless addiction and I think having a network of support like this one is going to make a huge difference for all of us, at least that is my hope talking.
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