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Give and get support around quitting


question.. Can you help me with the answer?

I do not tell my sister in law she needs to stop smoking. It is up to her not me if she smokes or not. But every time I tell her about how I am doing on my nonsmoking. She starts talking like she is pissed off and tells me "I am never quiting. You are stupid for quitting, now the stress is going to kill you. " Why is she actting like that? I am not going to tell her to quit cause until she started about 2 yrs ago she stood by me when I smoked and everyone was talking junk to me about how I needed to quit and I wasn't ready so I didn't.
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6 Replies
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Community Manager

I know this is an old question and it didn't get an answer at the time but I think this is an important question that others could use in approaching the ones they love. It would be great to hear responses from the community.  What's your take?

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team

Folks don’t quit until they’re ready. I often think smoking is an escape that also supports our negative self image.. it’s a real lack of enjoyment... situation... not enjoying yourself... not really enjoying others... desiring to be quiet and introspective while you avoid real life.  It’s an activity almost like cutting... not so much like aroma therapy... cause you don’t inhale aroma therapy a bunch you just burn it on a tray somewhere nearby... anyway... people control their own life... and they often don’t want to admit to feeling crummy about themselves. I know I’ve had troubles admitting it too. Maybe her response comes from feeling judged and because she’s not ready to be vulnerable about the topic she fronts a perfectionist mask that says she knows what’s best for her, saying she’ll never quit helps her reduce vulnerability or shame for doing something that hurts her... like thinking about and facing the things that trigger her to smoke... I’ve quit several times. On day 72 of my quit... and I’ve learned one cig a day vs a pack a day doesn’t make much of a difference.... it’s about why you do it... and wether or not you want and can learn to give yourself what you need instead of smoking.... the past two days I’ve been depressed, I’ve wanted to cut or hit my head or just disappear, I’ve been crying... and today I really wanted to by tobacco. I visited my dad this weekend and him and my “fiancé” who considers himself “quit” smoked inside... it was so triggering and I felt worthless to them. Instead of going outside until they were done I sat there. If I make through this with my quit intact I for sure won’t stay inside a car or house with someone smoking like that, I can handle outside, but inside... it brought be back to childhood.. and I’ve felt powerless for days now.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Kbloodless‌  Thanks for sharing your take on this question.  I know it's was an old question but your response will likely be helpful to someone else who come along and has the same question.  I hope to see more posts from you on the site.

Congrats on your quit!

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team

Until she is ready and has the desire to quit on her own, you can tell her until your blue in the face, it will not make a difference.  She is probably pissed off because she knows in the back of her mind she should quit.  She knows smoking is bad.  Being angry is a defense mechanism and nobody likes to be told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.  She needs to do it on her own free will and on her own time and her terms.  


I agree with Kristen.  It's all about defense.  I remember well when people would bring up the topic of quitting all my defense emotions would come to the fore.  I did not like myself for smoking and felt some guilt about it.  And someone bringing up quitting just made me want to hold onto my quit more - out of fear probably.  I'd suggest, since she not giving you any support and only acting angry, find someone else to share your smoke-free success with.  Like US!  


Even though you never said she should, she may be telling herself inside but not be able or willing to communicate or admit it externally so instead of acknowledging her own thoughts it bottles up and she projects it on you when she hears you doing well. If she thinks it’s dumb you quit she’s no longer standing by you.... and when you were smoking she stood by you because you were happy to ignore debeloping better or just healthier habits. She’s defensive. But to what? Just seeing you thrive? Or hearing you’re thriving. Because she wants to thrive so she wants to say to the world I don’t have to change I’m thriving already! Especially if she doesn’t believe it herself she may feel extra pressure to proclaim it. I think.

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