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Quitting alcohol with cigarettes?

Day 4- barely made it. I was really talking myself into "just one" and probably would have gone to get some, but my husband came home and I didn't want to admit to him that I was about to cave. 

And I was about to cave because I was drinking. I generally have a couple of cocktails every night, but it's a big trigger and I know I'd be better off giving up alcohol for now, but seems like a really radical change too.

Have any experience with quitting both together when you're addicted to both?

Thank you! Happy Sunday!

24 Replies

I don't know about quitting both at the same time. I DO know that drinking alcohol when you are quitting smoking is a bad idea.  If you can limit yourself to only a drink, you might be OK.  Alcohol loosens your resolve and commitment and can have you start to believe just one is OK (just like you learned last night!).    It will NEVER be OK.  it's the law of addiction.    One cigarette will always, maybe not right away, but ALWAYS, lead you back to being a full-time smoker again - back where you started as a smoker, thinking about quitting all of the time.   

Maybe change up that part of your day - go for a walk, come here and read, do an online Zumba class, work on a crossword or jigsaw puzzle or get some adult coloring books and crayons.  Work on any of these in a place where you never drank (or smoked!).  The better you get at changing things up, the easier this is going to be.  Can you make a non-alcoholic cocktail?  Here are some recipes:  Mocktail recipes that won’t disappoint.

I am glad you have discovered that alcohol can be a quit killer!


All very helpful advise! Thank you! I actually looked into joining a gym today- something that has classes that will get me out of the house in the evenings. 


Alcohol has killed many quits. I would strongly suggest not drinking but l am not much of a drinker so not drinking when l quit smoking was not really a challenge to me. I think YoungAtHeart‌ has given you some GREAT suggestions. Whenever l felt particularly challenged, l came to EX. I spent a LOT of time on here but all of the elders were right, it DOES get easier.



No alcohol the first week.  Then weened myself back using alcohol-free beer.  Glad I did.  As mentioned above, most who relapse in the first few weeks, do so under the influence.


I quit both at the same time, you'll have a week detox. Night sweats are common but its the best thing you can do. Alcohol and smoking went hand in hand for me. In a weeks time i felt so much better, after 3 months a 100X better. Drink lots of water to flush out your system  


I’ve quit drinking here and there- 9 months was the longest. I just started back up at a random cookout (remember cookouts hahaha). The first week is always the worst! I agree though I always feel better after that first week.


I’m quitting smoking because I want to have an elective surgery- purely for vanity reasons, but I have to be 2 months smoke free first. I quit for a month in November and I noticed within a week my skin was already improving- my hair looked better etc, but I started again when all elective surgeries got postponed due to COVID. So stupid.


I’ve decided to commit to 6 months with no alcohol. I can’t say forever to alcohol yet, but I really want to quit smoking forever- top priority!


oops - meant to reply to maryfreecig

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It's not easy quitting smoking--not for most of us. Alcohol doesn't kill the desire, but it can help you to excuse yourself from your quit--lowering inhibitions. 

I'd like to know what made you come to your quit--what triggered your desire to quit and your quitting?


I am on Day 7 of quitting both alcohol and cigarettes. There is a theory that we have a limited supply of willpower, so quit one thing at a time... but quitting both at the same time has been a game-changer for me. So many quit attempts have failed for me when I start drinking. Around the second or third drink, I say to hell with it and buy a pack. The plus to quitting both at the same time (I am only a week in, so def not a voice of authority on this) is that the double benefit - cleaner lungs, clearer head -  reinforces the whole lifestyle and identity shift to a healthier better me.  Even when I did manage to eek out a few days without cigarettes, I would still feel shitty about myself when I was hung-over. A few times (in the past 30 years) I made a few months with a cigarette and lost it all in a night of drinking. So far, doing both has been all good for me. Best of luck with whatever you decide!