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Anxiety and Smoking

Hi Everyone. This is my first post. My quit date is 9/15. I smoked cigarettes from the time I was 12 until I was 22. When I got pregnant I stopped for two years. Now I have been smoking the Juul for 3 years and I'm ready to stop. My biggest struggle is my anxiety. I've struggled with anxiety for years and when I try to quit I get panic attacks. Has anyone else had to deal with this? What do you suggest! I just want to BREATHE AIR. Thanks, Emily. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome Etaylor7116‌!

There are some posts on panic attacks and anxiety. I'm sure other people will also chime in as they see your post.

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team
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Hi and Welcome to Ex’s Etaylor7116 

I am so glad you are quitting smoking/JUUL...I suffer from GAD (General Anxiety Disorder)...and with smoking I thought it helped me with my anxiety attacks, however, I was wrong...I never worked on how to help my anxiety.  When I quit smoking, I was committed.  There is so much on the internet on how to deal with anxiety.  I found taking walks outside helped, yoga and meditation and most of all breathing exercises.


I haven’t had an attack in almost two years...because I practice the techniques everyday which help keep them at bay.  Also, if I feel an attack coming on I turn to my breathing exercises or meditation, etc.,  Quitting Juul is feasible, you just must find the thing that helps you with your attacks.  Talk to your Doctor about your concerns he/she should be able to help you out...

Keep close to the support site, we are here to help you and want to see you succeed...

Work on a plan from now until the reading My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX and reading the blogs.  You Can Do This...~ Gotcha in my thoughts ~ Colleen 640 DOF 

I understand anxiety and panic attacks. I suffer from both. Here are a few things that help me:

-between attacks (to remind my body what to do when I can't think straight):

mindfulness meditation

positive affirmations

practice belly breathing 

thought challenge - Are my thoughts factual? 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy


EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing)

During an attack:

pop an altoid

Name 5 things I see, 4 things I feel, 3 things I hear, 2 things I smell, 1 thing I taste

snap a rubber band gently on my wrist

sloooow down my breathing and go deeper with each inhale

do a physical body scan beginning with my feet and going up each part of my body to the top of my head

allow myself to be afraid, anxious, scared, and tell myself it is for a short while - I don't try to stop it! Ride the wave!


I cannot promise you that your anxiety will disappear as t does for some quitters. It did not for me. But it did decrease in frequency and intensity and most important, gave me more strength for life's challenges. That will happen!


Come here. Be honest about your feelings. Give us a chance to get to know you! You are not alone, Emily!

Live Long and Prosper!



So glad you have joined EX and the quit.  I suffer from anxiety, panic attacks and PTSD.  I use to think that cigarettes helped my anxiety.  I learned that from mental health professional that it doesn't help anxiety; that nicotine actually causes anxiety and can worsen anxiety with someone who already has anxiety disorder.  You here that smoking is addiction and it is addiction.  "Nicotine addiction is an extremely complex process that involves biological, psychological, behavioral, and cultural factors." The techniques mentioned above are great. There is wealth of information on the internet of videos for meditation, relaxation, mindfulness and so many more to deal with anxiety.  It is important to have the help of mental health professional, if you have already.  They will teach you techniques.  I found that I had find my own techniques or modify techniques give with help of talk therapy.  Thing to remember is we all are unique and what works for some might not work for you or you need to modify.  It is a journey.  The most important is positive thinking.  How can you change a behavior that is hurting you without changing your mindset?  People with anxiety tend to have negative mindset.  Worry about thing they cannot control and negative thoughts.  I didn't realize it and I am in the process of changing my mindset.  Just know you are not alone in this process.  The members of this community are awesome.  They will support you.  Keep posting!  I will be thinking of you and looking for more post.  Keep us updated on progress.  You can do this Emily!!!!! 



Mary angelpar Thank you...this is so true...and I too am a in progress...Have a beautiful day...~ Colleen 


Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.   You've got great advice from other's that share you're experience.  We're here to support you.  Reach out if you need encouragement or to share your journey.


Not applicable

Coping With Stress Without Smoking | 

You might also check out the Mayo clinic blog on anxiety and stress while quitting smoking 


I’ve had panic attacks myself years ago and i would suggest that you see your Primary Care Doctor to ask for his help and advice... I am going to send you a copy of what I call the “Quit Kit” from the old, which was another quit-smoking site that has since closed...  I will send it to your private message section...


This website won’t let me send the quit kit...  it is too long.  If you want to give me your home email I will send it to you...  I will not keep it in my files, once I send the email.  You can copy and paste it and print it out...  Just go to the “pencil” image at the top right of this page and send it to me privately.