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No Man's Land is Real

Today is 44 days quit and I've had some significant cravings today.  To the point of headaches and slight dizziness.  I remember someone posting at my 30 day mark about no man's land.  I'm glad they did because I was able to read that post and understand what's going on.  Like everything, it's easier to get past when you know others have experienced it and got past it before you.  I find it odd that my strongest cravings have been in the last two weeks.  I had two bad days last week and today.  I knew it was going to well for me.  haha    I'm not giving in though.  NOPE.  

8 Replies

I no how you feel¡  I'm on day 94  and this week has been hard for ME - Like you - I am glad for NML to get me pass this .  It's hard but doable:,      Have a good weekend .


The good folks here on the site in days past noticed a lot of quits being lost in that time frame, and decided to put the spotlight on it so they gave it a name.

Glad they did!  I actually had my most difficult day around 108.  Easy by then to start to think it is NEVER going to end - good to know feeling that way is perfectly normal.

Glad you read all about it and were prepared for it!


I'm glad too.  I don't remember who replied to one of my posts, but I'm very thankful.  

0 Kudos

Hang in there... Happy Saturday ~ Colleen 320 DOF 


Totally agree.  It's make such a difference knowing what you expect.  Quitters often think the work is over after the first couple of weeks.  It's a journey with different challenges along the way.   Stay close and keep going forward.



Keep looking ahead, keep moving forward. Never look back.


Good for you!  I think being prepared for No Man's Land was huge for me.  I had lost more than one quit in the past during that time period.  You are doing GREAT!



No Man's Land was almost the death of me, but I survived. Addressing it head on like you're doing will serve you so very well!

Even now, I have a crave here and there, but nothing like the period of time you're going through. I made it to the other side, so grab my hand and the hand of others who have made it, and let's keep going!


Day 307