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Feeling the stress

Day 32 and I’ve been doing really okay minus the constipation ( it’s been corrected ) and paranoia about weight gain .

but ....I’ve been walking and jogging like crazy when I feel stress or I get cravings and they melt away with the running 

I suffer from pretty bad seasonal allergies in April and May and have taken allergy meds for years ....

They have been so bad the past two days I ate some nuts and had a severe reaction.  Bad enough  my family dr wanted me to go to hospital and get iv steroids and antihistamines. 

The ER dr told me not to be outdoors for any length time ie exercising ! 

This happened Monday and now I’m feeling very anxious and stressed . The cravings are bad and while I’ve been distracting myself doing other stuff , they don’t work as good as running or walking . 

Im thinking about driving 30 miles and going to a gym to use the treadmill until I can ge outdoors agsin . I’m usually okay by first week of June . 

This is turning out to be one of the worst allergy seasons in Dallas area in decades . 

Just wanted to vent and say I don’t feel as strong or confident as I did when I was exercising all the time . 

8 Replies

You were on my mind so I came looking for you to see how you were doing.  Sorry about the allergies.  As always you do have a solution. Hope you get to exercise as soon as possible since it is your outlet for the craves.  Things like htis really cause us to think outside of the box.  Good job, congrats on 33 days of freedom


You got another plan...go to the gym...and when at home run in place and/or put on an exercise can do this...keeping quit will be good for your allergies...I so understand what you are going through...when my allergies/asthma happen...I have to watch what is good for you...but find other exercise tactics...Gotcha in my thoughts ~ Colleen 164 DOF 


I wanted to check in with you this morning and let you know that you're in my thoughts, you are doing this quit and you're doing great with it because you're doing it one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time and each evening you can say YAY for another Day WON, I also have seasonal allergies here in Canada ugh hopefully it'll get better sooner than usual......


Big congrats on your 32 days.  I walk outside everyday, but I also do a Leslie Sansone DVD everyday.  Have you tried anything like that?   There's probably more to find online.


Check out online work-out videos!  I think there may be some cable shows, too.  Or come up with your own routine. You can march in place, or do sets of stairs or jumping jacks and toe touches.  How about push ups?  Put on some good energizing music and go for it!

June will be here before you know it!



I had a similar story.  I ended up buying a inexpensive used treadmill for my home and one of those Mini Steppers for the office.


Thank you everyone! 

I did find a couple work out sessions on YouTube that I’ve done this morning . I have been running up and down stairs ( I live in a 1890s Victorian home with lots of stairs ) 

The only issue with the stairs is my 10 year old Rottie wants to join in and run up and down stairs with me like it’s a game . He’s too old for his joints to handle that , so he goes out on deck when I’m doing the stairs . 

You guys are all so caring and supportive !!! I love coming here ! 


LOL. My dog would do the same exact thing.  Glad you've found some alternatives to work out!
