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Wondering about COPD and smoking

I have not been diagnosed with COPD and am not being treated for same (so far; who knows what the future holds?). But I know people who have been diagnosed and who use inhalers, AND still smoke. 

Not sure why I'm bringing it up, but wondering if others have seen this too. 


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For all the information you need to know about smoking and COPD, go to Thomas3.20.2010‌. He has numerous articles on COPD, asthma and other smoking related diseases-----many of his blogs give great, important information on this subject. So many of our friends here at EX are dealing with the effects of smoke related illnesses.

Thomas3.20.2010‌ will also celebrate NINE YEARS of FREEDOM from smoking and addiction this month!!!


Well, more specifically, my sister has the diagnosis and still smoke, yet has to use inhalers every day. I'm trying to understand why. But it's like trying to understand why I am a recovering smoker. 

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Sorry to hear this Donna---my sister is also still smoking. I am scared and sad about it every day.


I use inhaler and neutralizer,  for moderate COPD and wheezing, didn't even think twice about not smoking.   Strange we think one day it will all go away or something fairy talish.     Did not want to smoke just a junkie, that was the way I saw it.    Mostly just thought I will cut down and I   will just quit..
   That is not what really happens thou.

Reality hits and in time you know enough is enough....

And you have no choice.  Most of us learn we will suffocate from smoking, if we don't stop.
Some never stop!


Anaussiemom kind of said it like it is.  She was using (or still is?) an inhaler and neutralizer and "didn't even think twice about not smoking".  "we think one day it will all go away or something fairy talish. "

"Most of us learn we will suffocate from smoking, if we don't stop.  Some never stop!"  I tend to think that - or at least I HOPE- "most" of us don't have to experience the suffocating effects of smoking related diseases before we come to the realization that we must quit.  That there are those who have severe COPD, even lung cancer and still smoke is... something I can't wrap my head around except to say I "get" the power of this addiction.  The addiction is the "why."  The question is how to overcome that driving need.  Here, most of us have found that education (and support - that's a given) is the key.


And for all we say and all we do and whatever interventions we put up for those addicted - that voice within them that wants the best for them has to ultimately shout louder than the addicted voice.  Hope your sister comes to see the light at some point before darkness pervades.


I have seen and been in much pain with smoking.  I think the best word to describe, smoking with COPD, ..etc..

Is DENIAL!  We just don't think about it.  The addiction, that is real  and  emotional comfort we think we find in a cigarette,
we overlook the health aspects and just keep lighting up.   


My younger sister has been diagnosed with COPD, has an inhaler and still smokes.  She just recently had bronchitis again.  Of course I tell her she needs to quit, but it's everyone's own journey.  Sometimes doing the right thing isn't easy.


Hi Donna...I haven't been diagnosed with COPD but have asthma...I have an inhaler I use ever morning, plus ER inhaler and nebulizer, and yes I smoked...unbelievable huh? So glad I can say 93 DOF...~ Colleen 


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