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Give and get support around quitting


Didn't think I would be blogging tonight, but here I am

First of all, THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE PRAYERS! WOW! You guys are amazing and I believe they have helped. And THANK YOU Giulia‌ letting group know I am ok.

I am sorta fuzzy yet but they did do the LINX did mesh to fix hernia that was larger than they suspected. Said I have several lesions to my hubby bit didn't say where. I have 5 very small incisions on my tummy that are just now beginning to smart. The worst was the neck/shoulder pain when I woke up in recovery which is from the CO2 they pump you full of. I have a heating pad on it and keep moving it around and sipping warm tea.

I am allowed a regular diet Monday and soft today and tomorrow. It took 20 minutes to eat half cup yogurt, but it did pass through. I have been warned dysphasia will begin week6-12....and the honeymoon phase will be over for awhile. I am following a group who have been through this sharing there experience and while they all say recovery was no fun , they would do it again. I also have talked to a few who have day this done around here and they say the same....a regular diet is no meat, no breads yada yadda. very small meals often. Anyway. The forum I am following id HEALINGWELL.COM and its under GERD and the blogs are under Linx procedure with 9 pages...if your interested.

Smoking I AM SURE aggravated this whole gerd thing for me. I had LA GRADE C/D esophagus and Hills Grade 4 Hernia. Ok I can't see straight. Goodnight. I will be fine but this is a long recovery ahead.  I would like tot all about the smoking part of it more when I feel better. Love you all and thank you very much for the prayers

22 Replies

Hope you are able to get plenty of peaceful rest. Many blessing.


Take care and follow doctor's orders!

Glad you're feeling as good as a person could be feeling at the moment and thanks for letting us know! That couldn't have been easy right now. You're one tough person! Keep healing and we'll keep sending healing prayers.



Rest sweetie.  Hug.


thank our Daddy God for taking care of you in our Lord Jesus name amen love you Missey-get well soon-amen


It's wonderful to see you Missy now try to rest and get lots of Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's XO, I'm so glad that the surgery is behind you now it's time to heal.....

much hugs to you. freeze some of those cookies?    


I did, thanks so much:)


Go take care of yourself, we are happy you did well, now heal well, much love, hugs, and prayers.
