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Day 41, officially in NML

Hello everyone,

Today marks day 41 of being smoke free. The last week or so I have been horrible at taking my Chantix. With the holiday and family being in town I was off of my normal schedule. Now when I do take it it makes me feel pretty nauseated. Not sure what's up with that.

Not smoking is becoming the norm for me now....which is kind of nuts. There is nothing worth starting over from what I've accomplished so far, and my stubbornness that once made it so difficult to quit is starting to work in my favor. I hope everyone else that is in the early stages of their quit is doing well! Onward and upward!  

7 Replies


Good for you, Kelly!!!  Use that stubbornness, it will keep you straight on the long curvy slog ahead.  NML is no joke, the thrill of the quest has worn thin, everyone IRL thinks you are "so over it all" when in fact you're not... There may be golden days but there are also crap days in abundance.  I always likened NML as trudging thru quicksand.  There may be solid ground of ease at times, but there are also times with that quicksand trying to suck you back to smoking.

I hope you are very very proud of those 41 days.... I'm proud for you, it is a major accomplishment.  Certainly too valuable to toss away only to have to go thru beginning again!!  A friend of mine once said "As fun as quitting is >>insert sarcasm<<, it isn't fun enough to go through more than once"!  TRUE!

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If you are taking more than one - you might try putting them a bit apart.  If taking with food, try on an empty stomach and vice versa.OR talk to your pharmacist or doctor about it.  I have seen this problem reported by others,and, if I remember correctly, it went away in a bit of time.

41 days is HUGE!

Keep going!


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Hope you get the Chantix thing worked out Emoticons Sad Emoticons .

Good for you on day 41, that's fantastic!!!

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Day 41 is awesome...good for you.  I really hope you can figure out the chantix, that's pretty aggravating.


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Congratulations, Kelly!  It will be 6 weeks tomorrow!  I've almost got twelve weeks complete, and have caught myself forgetting to take my med, too (bupropion/wellbutrin, not Chantix).  You said, "Not smoking is becoming the norm for me now....which is kind of nuts."  Exactly!  Same with me.  It's amazing, isn't it?  NML has its ups and downs, and I've found some moments really challenging, but it sounds like you are doing great!


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Kelly, congrats on 41 days.   I couldn't stay on the Chantix years ago.  Too many stomach issues.

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Way to go! Congratulations on 41 and finding more confidence in your quit. Keep it coming!

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