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Healthy Snacks

What are the best healthy snacks to keep on hand when quitting smoking? 

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4 Replies

I kept sugarless mints everywhere and when cravings got tough I sucked on suckers. I also ate grapes and apples. I know that is sugar but the fiber was great. The other thing that helped was lots of lemon water. 


Water. Sip water. Tiny sips. 

Review what you already like to eat that is low calorie and healthy. So different for everyone. I love salted radishes, blue cheese dressing on celery hearts, apples with a touch of cin. sugar, large salads with finely chopped extra veggies, raisins, a few pretzels. But everybody will come up with their own favorites. 

Popcorn even with butter is not excessively high in calories.

Dill pickles are zero in calories!!! Good thing I like them.


I bought frozen blueberries and frozen cherries and put them in a little bowl with a spoon close by.  Some people used grapes and froze them (probably neater).  I ate a lot of Sour Patch Kids...not so healthy but so sour that they really distracted me.  Raw veggies are healthy, stay close to the site...this is a great start.


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I keep a bowl of raw nuts, seeds and dried fruit on my counter for a quick grab.  Kind of my own trailmix.  Just use the nuts/fruits you like.  Maybe even some M&M's or cocoa pieces for that chololate fix.