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Give and get support around quitting


It's Aug 1st & it's Hump Day :)

It's also another day to be Free Smokefree that is I know for me that quitting smoking was the best choice that I ever made or will make in my lifetime it's absolutely the best choice that any of us will ever make and it's definetly the gift of LIFE it's the ONE GIFT that keeps on giving day after day week after week month after month and Lord willing year after year and we all we have to do is stick with our quits no matter what is happening in LIFE at times the struggle to remain Smokefree may feel almost overpowering! Notice I said almost because you can get through it but you must believe it, deep breaths and plow forward and continue stacking up those precious Days of Freedom so each evening you can look yourself in the mirror and smile and say yay for another Day WON! If you were to ask me if quitting smoking was easy in those early weeks I'd be saying HELL NO! BUT if you were to ask me if quitting smoking was worth it I'll be saying HELL YES! Because anything in this life worth having takes time and effort and quitting smoking should be at the top of the list of things to do for your health family and friends but especially your life which is depending on you to look after yourself because if you don't nobody else can do it for you.....


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10 Replies

Happy Wednesday, Marilyn!!  Running late today but I wouldn't leave here without reading your lovely words of wisdom   They make me happy.  Hope your day is filled with love and laughter!! 


Summertime, and the livin' is easy!


Aren't you glad we can TASTE watermelon?  George is happy he can!


Good morning Nancy good morning George and good morning everyone YAY for being able to TASTE a yummy watermelon without theyucky ashtray taste in our mouths   YAY for Smokefree living and YAY for Summertime living. 

0 Kudos

what day ?  laughing thanks for the laugh-just for today not one puff for ME. I hope your day is good by your own personal choice amen love u Marilyn and thank you for YOU!


Thank you Marilyn, I'm moving forward here today with NOPE and determination.  Today is the start of my 8th month without Brian, and is my quit date.  So tonight when I go to bed it will be a first day WON.


(((((You can do this quit believe it deep breaths ,here's a humongous hug from me to you dear Christine13)))))

We're all here to help you in any way we can here's another big hug from me to you dear Chris, WOW 8 months but it's very fresh to you I'm sure but this evening with your Day ONE you'll have it turned into your Day WON. XO 

0 Kudos

Happy Hump Day, Marilyn.  Took me a while to find this "conversation"...hope you have a beautiful day.  I always think of August as the end of the summer...guess because kids used to start school in September, now they start in August.  Weather has been unappealing for several days now and I have not been able to get to the pool...makes me CRAZY.  I will use the bike but it is not the same.  It's hot and humid outside thoughi so maybe it is better if I don't spend too much time outside.  




Hi there Marilyn and happy August! I have been busy with the visit of a friend. Hope all is well there! 


Hey Marilyn!  So glad you are back as a constant again.  What a mess that was right??  Thank you for the good word.  Out daily inspiration.  AND Happy Wednesday to You!!