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Give and get support around quitting


Just crushed almost a full pack; day 1 starts now.

I keep crushing cigarettes every night and promising to quit the next day. It is ridiculous, not to mention costly. I just crushed almost an entire pack and am committed to doing this now. I feel like crap since I started smoking again, yet i keep doing it! My sinuses are messed up, my ear hurts and I am exhausted and unmotivated every day, and I get almost daily headaches. Any support is appreciated...

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40 Replies

Hopefully you'll get tired of wasting all that money soon.    Look at all the negative things you have already listed in your blog that smoking creates.   Who wants to deal with that??  Now is a wonderful time to quit, don't ya think?


Ha!  You sound like me.  I quit when I had a bad cold, and literally couldn't take a drag without going into a major coughing fit for longer than my cigarette would stay lit. I tell people that is the reason I quit, and it is, but....  full disclosure... I had crushed maybe 20 packs after smoking 1 or 2 cigarettes for 37 days after my planned quit date.  It was getting too expensive not to quit!  Congrats on your Day 1!


Thanks. Glad I am not the only one. Really makes it hard to trust myself that I wont just keep buying more packs every day. I have only been smoking again for about 6 weeks after being quit for 9 years. Quitting while sick makes it easier. Im glad you were able to quit. I barely ever got colds during my 9 year quit but I used to get them all the time as a smoker. 


I don't want to jinx myself, but I haven't been sick since I quit 380 days ago.  I used to get sick 2-4 times a year every year that I smoked.  I just thought that was normal.  Or, more likely, had convinced myself that it was normal.


Wow, that's awesome! I had a similar experience. I would still get a cold once or twice a year, but they often didn't last long at all. Versus when I smoked, I had super bad colds, got a couple ear infections and sinus infections, had to get my tonsils removed because I got a really bad abscess on my tonsils that wouldn't respond to antibiotics, and I got ulcerative colitis (probably not caused by smoking...smoking is actually supposed to be protective against getting this disease, but I got it as a smoker anyway).


I'm reminded of a Jerry Seinfeld thing:  "Taking a reservation is easy; anyone can take a reservation.  It's the holding that's the hard part."

Quitting at night is easy.  It's the staying quit in the morning that's the hard part.  How can you make your mornings fit the quit?


I love Seinfeld! I don't know. I literally just change my mind every morning. I didnt do this when I quit 9 years ago. I did it and stuck to it and got annoyed at all the people who had "slips." Lol. 


I will have my last cigarette tomorrow.  We can do this.  We are worth it!  Buying Cigarettes is no longer an option!  The do not exist anymore.  Come here before you buy that next pack!


I wish they would make them illegal! It would make it a lot easier! Good luck tomorrow! I am already regretting crushing my pack.