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Give and get support around quitting


Higher Level

Sometimes, you just need to call on a higher level for help, because things can get so out-of-hand that you need the inner peace of knowing someone bigger than us is there looking out for you.  (Read what you want, and leave the rest!)

"God grant me the Serenity

to accept the things I cannot change

Courage to change the things I can, and

Wisdom to know the difference"

Irish Rose

10 Replies

That AA quote (I think it's theirs) pertains to SO much in life - children, in-laws, parents, co-workers, bosses, workplaces, driving situations.......

Count to 10, take a deep breath, repeat this, figure out WHICH this situation is and act accordingly.

In ANY situation, smoking is NEVER the answer!



Thank you for posting this Irish Rose, I'm a recovering alcoholic I have over 7 years in sober I only went to A.A a couple of times but used the Serenity prayer pretty much daily and I used it for quitting smoking as well, here's the complete Poem which we can use in all area's of our lives.



I grew up with a father and brother - both alcoholics.  My Mom had a coin, which I inherited with other trinkets belonging to her when she died.  It was written by a theologian/minister by the name of Reinhold Niebhr.  His words were later used by AA, as part of its' 12-step program.


I'm so sorry about your Mom's passing and it must have been bitter sweet to inherit the coin and other trinkets, I have one coin that my younger sister gave me when I got 9 months of sobriety in, she's also a recovering alcoholic but is headed for 10 yrs in August, she did the A.A meetings but lives in town and had other members willing to travel her I would've had to travel myself and I was too tired but I still got sober to God be the Glory.



HI irishRose......beautiful NON SMOKER YOU! ....I use this prayer for 31 YEARS....and continue to use it.....God grant ME.....the serenity to ACCEPT the things....I .....cannot change......this part for ME a warning I have been playing god in others peoples business and trying to live their life instead of MY OWN......COURAGE to change the things I can.....this part teaches thank God for bringing ME this far and to remember to THANK GOD for his grace and tender mercy keeping ME a NON SMOKER to be of service to the next SUFFERING NON SMOKER..... and the WISDOM to KNOW the DIFFERENCE.....this is the humbling part for ME..... I pray and ask God to forgive ME for MY pride that SHOWS when I don't mind MY OWN business and leave ALL people to MY GOD who changes ME from the inside out and GOD business is ALL the WISDOM for given to ME by MY GOD that teaches keep MY hands OFF.....GOD is GOD....boy oh boy have I had to use this prayer to SAVE innocent people from ME AND MY BIG MOUTH.... This prayer is ONE of many life preservers for ME.... Thanks for the memories of tough love lessons in this thing called life on life's terms and TOGETHER WE WILL STAY NON SMOKERS NO MATTER WHAT and for your gift remember that I am NOT alone.....please keep coming BACK.


indingrl‌ , hello back, my dear, dear friend!!!  Know you are never alone, and I am here if you ever need me.  What a beautiful breakdown of how those words have followed you, and formed you into the beautiful lady that you are.  Yes, TOGETHER WE WILL STAY NON-SMOKERS NO MATTER WHAT.  Love you!!!!!

And BIG ((((((((((((HUG))))))))))) for you too, My Friend!!!!!!!!

 Irish Rose

0 Kudos

I say that prayer everyday- so, so good to see you back here Irish Rose! 


Thank you Strudel‌ , I too say that prayer every day.  It tends to put life in perspective.  We are only human and  cannot move mountains.  We can only control our own behavior.  That in itself is a 24/7 feat of its own.

Thank you for your kind words of being happy to see me too!  My heart has been carrying around a heavy load lately, and it is always good to know there are people in my life who truly care about me.



Irish Rose


((((((((((Huge hug from me to you dear Irish Rose))))))))))