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Give and get support around quitting


NML & Inbetweener Weekly Check In – 4/3/2018

We have this discussion every Monday (except when I am seriously busy after getting back from vacation!) to offer encouragement and camaraderie to those in NML, basically months 2-3-4 of a quit and to those inbetweeners who have not yet made it to the 6% club. Regardless of how long you’ve been quit, anyone who likes the conversation and wants to offer support is welcome to participate!


We are happy if you just stop by to say hi and let us know you are still with us in NML.  Feel free to offer up ideas on topic question and I will include them in next week’s post!  Stop by daily or as often as you like!  Don’t forget to post to the Daily Pledge! 



This week’s topic: Celebrate NML!

I have something to say that might surprise you – I enjoyed No Man’s Land.  Really!  We talk about the “dangers” of NML so much that some people think it’s a scary place, but the truth is, No Man’s Land is something to celebrate!

You’re getting back to your life. Putting the roller coaster behind you. Your quit meter is really adding up, you’re feeling better and looking better. You’ll probably have your first encounter with a doctor or dentist, and you’ll get to tell them you quit – I promise you, their response will make your day! You’ll start to feel a sense of freedom that can actually leave you a bit giddy. You’ll do the math on how much money you’ve saved, how much time you’ve saved, and you’ll start to feel like that smoker you remember was a different person.

Of course those bumps in the road are still there – quitting isn’t over, but you know how to deal with them. Because you took the time to learn and prepare. Most of the other blogs in this NML weekly series are about the bumps – let’s not forget to enjoy the rest of it! NML is an important part of your journey, so celebrate it!

And one day, maybe in month 4, maybe in month 6, maybe even later, you’ll have an Ah-Ha Moment that will make you laugh out loud.


Have you had your Ah-Ha moment?  What was it?  If not, what is one thing you CAN celebrate about being in NML?  Have you avoided any grenades or landmines? 


Sharing your experience, strength, and hope is a great way to help others!

ENJOY the journey! 


Click here to read Dale’s helpful blog about No Man’s Land:No Mans Land Days 30 to 130 (approximate) 

Click here to read what to expect in the first four months: What To Expect In The First Four Months 


Checking in here will help you get through NML and on your way to the first year where you can celebrate being in the 6% Club and graduate to eventually become an Elder!


Please let me know if you are interested in posting the NML Weekly Check In.  I am happy to continue it, share it, or pass it to the nEXt EXer in NML who is ready, willing, and able.

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9 Replies

Once again I see this post and grin, always forgetting it's coming and always happy it's here.

I have really enjoyed not having to carry cigarettes and lighters, not smelling like smoke, and not having ashes all in my car.

I love that my sense of smell has intensified, although at times it's not such a good thing !


I'm starting my 4th month here and NML has been a little up and down but mostly up. I'm glad annette pointed out the no ashes in the car because I think about that every time I get in my car! I just did a total of how much money I've saved so far and it came out to 785 dollars! Woo Hoo!


We just got back from vacation.  I am celebrating a ton of things!  It was a great relief not to worry about where and when I could smoke because I don't do that anymore!  I didn't need to worry about getting to the airport too early or having a flight delayed because that would mean I couldn't smoke!  I didn't have to worry about sneaking a smoke in a hotel room or finding a spot to smoke in a foreign place.  What I did notice was the AWFUL smell of smoke when I passed the smoking area!  I felt sorry for those who were smoking because I remember how trapped I was (only I didn't realize that until much later).

The trip was great and I didn't smoke and had no desire to smoke at all!



I am celebrating my 6th week today so I thought I'd drop into  NML....but I must say I feel totally "GROUNDED" .

I can actually sit down and watch a TV show in its entirety without thinking or reaching for a cigarette. AMAZING !! 

I don't talk to myself as much as I use to ....but I kinda liked it, so I may just continue that new "layer" of my personality when I am at home, seem's like it helps so why stop completely, eh? (Only my fur babies know I do it anyway! )

Weekends are getting better....they were/are the most difficult. Soooooo many triggers especially since we are changing seasons.....but I will prevail . That's my story....for today..

Miles of Smiles and Happy "Deep Breaths"........ 

(1,477 cigs that I didn't smoke, Thank God ! )


Oh good I'm not the only one who talks to themselves. When my husband is away for work I swear the dog puts his paws over his hears to drown out my voice lol. 


All I have is an elderly parakeet, but I don't talk to him.  He doesn't care about me at all!  I do, however, talk to the TV at times.  (shhhh, don't tell anyone.)


I thought that as I "heal" the self talk will slowly subside......But guess what? I ENJOY TALKING OUT LOUD! It really does help with my "moving forward" and away from old destructive habits...don't really understand how, but who am I to question what works eh? 

Glad I have a "self talk" partner in crime!!

Miles of Smiles...


Where are all of our NMLers?  

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Dear roller831‌ - thanks for the tip on this discussion.  I'll keep an eye out for it.