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Give and get support around quitting

The Elephant That Couldn't Resist



It hadn't smoked one in a year but spied one on the ground.

It had to pick it up, and then, it couldn't put it down.

Next, it will be tromping 'round looking for another

or, maybe borrowing just one more from brother or it's mother.

You cannot say you're really quit if you're still a smokin'

You're still a slave to "coffin" fits with hacking and some chokin.'

15 Replies

[trying to think of word that rhymes with elephant]

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I hate to see this type of thing and think it is a form of animal abuse. it is very common to see. too common. it just makes me so angry and sick . Image result for picture of beagle made to smoke

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dogs don't smoke.  😞

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Did you miss the fact that the video was made by or for The Wildlife Conservation Society?  The elephant didn't have a cigarette for God's sake. If you look at what the elephant actually puts in his mouth you'll see it is a leaf in a ball of the dust around him. When he basically sneezes it out it's much finer and looks grayer, like smoke.

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hey it fit into my smoking elephant theme.

it was a


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Do you stand next to the magician and explain his tricks? 

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I actually thought your post was funny Dale!  No, I'm not the kind to explain the tricks of the magician.  Magical things are truly magical experiences.  We kept our kids believing in Santa Claus until they were about 9.  When we finally had to tell them our response was simple and true: "There is a piece of Santa that lives in each and every one of us".   

My reply was to karenjones' comment  "I hate to see this type of thing and think it is a form of animal abuse. it is very common to see. too common. it just makes me so angry and sick."

If you read my bio you'll see that wildlife and pet rescues are my passion.  Animal abuse IS disgusting but this video had nothing to do with that at all. 

Thanks for the fun post Dale. And I thought your poetry was pretty cute too.

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I didn't realize it was a response to a comment. The post was intended to be a comical spoof with some truth.

Now these Texans, they know how to have fun. 

Having Fun.jpg

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There used to be a bar close to where I live and the owners had a caged chimp that they kept outside in the summer months. He was a smoking\drinking chimp. It was so cruel and abusive. Folks would supply him with cigarettes and alcohol so they could get a cheap kick from watching him smoke. 

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