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MY first thought is MY ADDICT thought.... it was SUGGESTED I throw away ALL MY OLD THINKING because I did NOT know how to live a NEW NON SMOKER LIFE... I MUST THINK DIFFERENTLY NOW... like a NON SMOKER thinks and lives a NEW NON SMOKING LIFESTYLE DAY BY DAY! Well I laughed and thought these people are NUTS!!! Today I know their are the BEST TEACHERS HERE at EX and at too ALL ARE RECOVERING FROM NICOTINE. They also SUGGESTED I CHOOSE WISELY BEFORE I USE NICOTINE...NOW it is up to ME to CHOOSE the next thought and for ME this prayer has HELPED.... it is called the Serenity Prayer... God grant ME the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference....the first line for ME is Gods PEACE in MY thoughts to MY HEART..I take 3 deep breathes with the willingness to admit to MYSELF..I am a RECOVERING NICOTINE ADDICT TODAY...the second line is to pay attention to MY OWN thought life NOT anyone else's and for ME to let people BE themselves... smokers and non smokers and the third always love and serve the next suffering nicotine addict to believe hope and live a NICOTINE FREE life by sharing how MY GOD for ME uses all people to save MY life DAILY because I NEED HELP to keep learning and REMAIN teachable day by day and I learn from EVERYONE TO TEACH ME to remember... easy does it yet do it NOT ONE PUFF OVER ME....don't take MYSELF so seriously.....mind MY OWN business and starting THINKING of what you can BRING to others that uplift encourage and NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER! They also SUGGESTED THROW THAT FIRST THOUGHT AWAY EVERY TIME BECAUSE IT IS A NICOTINE WEED! God willing I will keep coming BACK! 

6 Replies

Great conversation indingrl‌, I had to stop and think about it for a first thought is not about smoking any more, it certainly USED to was basically my first action of the day.  I rarely think about smoking now, if I am having a terrible day, I think about how I am having a terrible day and I hope and pray that tomorrow will be better.  I am so grateful to be smoke free, I am so happy for each smoke free step I take on this journey and I am grateful to YOU for sticking around and helping those of us who are following behind you.  Thank you.




My first thought is strong jet fuel.  (coffee).  I thank God for that always being my first thought.   Not a sick stick...



0 Kudos

Freedom is not thinking about a cigarette.  In the beginning that's ALL we do.  We are consumed by it.  Hour after hour after hour.  And then the days go by and there's a here and there where we haven't thought about smoking.  And then some more days go by and we realize we didn't think of a cigarette all day.  And some months go by and we come to point where we can think about a cigarette yet not want one.  And then we simply don't give them any thought at all.  Or if we do, we're grateful that we made it, grateful that we aren't a slave any more.  Grateful that that Best of Us is being nourished and is in control.  

I guess my first thought is gratitude.


My first thought? ....That's easy...... My alarm goes off, I take a big deep "clear" breath, and remember I am a Non-Smoker!  I rise with a huge smile on my face to start my day! 

Why in the world would I want to feel any different? 


quit smoking encouragement - Google Search

Be kind and gentle with yourself. That is the best advice I have been given so far. You are precious to our Lord.