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Dealing with Cravings

I reads this article recently on cravings and I thought it helped me better understand the cravings and deal with it better

So wanted to share.

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What ever works works! 

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Please check out reading or watching the videos ALL FREE Joel's article on cravings just sharing the love and PASSING on what was given to ME FREELY also I read Joel's  FREE book NEVER TAKE ANOTHE PUFF and Allen book too in MY early was SUGGESTED FOR ME TO READ THESE BOOKS FOR ME... I read A LOT and still do about MY STAYING quit and day by day RECOVERING from MY nicotine addiction it is ONE day at a time and I MUST use the tools given to combat MY OLD USING OBSESSIVE THINKING that tries to convince ME a craving will be FOREVER NO!!!! it will NOT!!!! passes in only TWO and a half MINUTES ... which SEEMED like an eternity in the beginning there gone after 3 DAYS then it is a FACT that it is in MY MIND...OLD CRAVING TAPES OLD THINKING PATTERNS... It was SUGGESTED to LEARN HOW OTHERS USE to think like ME... OLD addictive feelings and NOW NEW tools to THINK RECOVERING THOUGHT RECOVERING SELF-CONTROL FEELINGS and SELF-RESTRAINT for  being GROWN UP AND RESPONSIBLE FOR MY feelings and thought MIND SET ON RECOVERING DAY BY DAY or minute by minute...that it is just UNCOMFORTABLENESS and breathing CALMS ME down it was SUGGESTED when a craving HITS take 3 deep breathes and remember those while riding OUT MY CRAVING I played the tape all the way through... i remembered MY family member who CHOSE TO USE THEIR CHOICE DRUG NICOTINE who in 1993 had stage 4 lung cancer and used to the end.... I was at her death bed too and I used NICOTINE until Jan 6 2011... a few of MY family CHOSE to die USING NICOTINE so I DO TAKE HEED TODAY when MY OLD thoughts TRY to sneak in and take root... NO!! I take SUGGESTIONS to read and take the advice at from those WHO did it their way and it COST THEM their OWN lives... its TOUGH LOVE TRUTH NICOTINE WILL KILL ME IF I CHOOSE TO USE TODAY and only by Gods grace I am TODAY a RECOVERING NICOTINE ADDICT trying to HELP the next suffering nicotine addict with SOLUTIONS TO CRAVINGS....THIS TOO SHALL PASS WITH NOT ONE PUFF OVER ME AND NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF over a feeling or because FACT ...FEELINGS will come and go each DAY and you have a CHOICE NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER!!!! Excellent job blogging and keep on keeping on...thank you so much for helping ME to STAY QUIT with you Nymous