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Acronyms? Last week before quit date!

My quit date is set!  March 4.  I’ve been doing some reading on here and curious about what NOPE and DOF stand for?

im excited to do this. I’m a recovering alcoholic, so I’m familiar with the process of addiction and I’m doing this with a friend so I have lots of support. She directed me to this community and I’m feeling like all the resources here will really help!  I have a prescription for the patch and I’m ready to go!  Any tips for this last week?

thanks y’all!

5 Replies

Click on the magnifying glass upper right corner of page and type in Ex Abbreviations will find a blog there that has them all  Wish I could copy/paste it but that feature not working for me for some reason right now. Dunno why 

Wanted to add, since this is the week BEFORE you actually quit, get your toolbox in order. Have a plan of action for the when the craves hit, because they will, even though your using the patch. Most of us h=who have successful quit have found that the more we prepare and educate ourselves before we actually quit, things go smoother.

Understanding how Nicotine works in your brain to hold you in to craves is paramount to understand. I wish you the best. Use this site a lot. Stay close to us. Best to you and looking forward to watching you walk into the freedom. Its beautiful over here!



Ok, I sent you a message link to it


Welcome to the community.  Reading and educating yourself on this addiction is a great start. Since this is your last week of smoking start changing up your routine some. For example if you get out of bed and usually grab a smoke 1st thing in the morning, instead of grabbing that cigarette take a shower first then smoke. If you smoke and drink coffee, drink the coffee first with you smoking hand and read some blogs here before smoking. Changing up the routine helps get you ready for the big day and as Missy said get your toolbox preparred and have a plan of action.


This link will show most used here.  Welcome to EX!  This last week should be used reading and educating yourself about this addiction.  Best wishes!

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I'm sure your have your answers by now...For me, those 2 acronyms are 2 of the most used language in my own personal quit and journey.  Welcome and load up that toolbox with all the things you believe will come in handy on your journey. Prairie 23DOF

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