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Day 5 any tips for my birthday ????

Good morning all this is a great day this is my first birthday in a long time I have woke up as a non smoker I deep cleaned the house yesterday so I can relax today . I have lunch plans with my best friend today but not sure what to do the rest of the day
I am feeling so much better going on day 5 just taking it day by day I set up my first goal I want to get a fly fishing kit and a pair of chest waders I love to trout fish and want to do some fly fishing

12 Replies

Just to have a great smoke free day.

Happy birthday & keep on keepin on,

M n @




Happy   Happy Birthday


Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Congratulations on your stupendous 5 glorious Days of Smokefree living and counting WTG and I wish you a humongous ginormous Happy Birthday ,enjoy your special day today and be sure to pamper yourself because you deserve it, yay and yay again.


Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY Shadowluv420 !

Birthday and cake.jpg

AND CONGRATULATIONS for your 5th Smoke Free Day.  You've got a great attitude this early in your quit!  


My dad tied flies and taught my nephew how to do it at age 7 as well. I went fly fishing with my dad once but I liked lake fishing better.  My nephew (38 y.o.) now puts together custom fishing rods of all types and his tied flies. He has a shop and online ordering, how times change.  SO Whatever you do today ENJOY yourself and be proud for all you have and will achieve. Oh, and eat cake - lots of cake- it's good for you and not fattening, but only on your birthday!



I think they are to little to tie to anything...I mean really.....most get squished in the swatter....HAHAHAHA


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Smoke-free fly fishing.  Sounds good to me!  Kudos on Day 5.  And Happy Birthday!

Hines Robert W, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Congrats 5 NICOTINE FREE DAYS! What a wonderful day you have and the plans for fishing sounds so relaxing calming and fun... love the outfit you brought for the trout fly fishing too. It is a good choice for your bday to love you and your wonderful NEW NICOTINE FREE LIFESTYLE! Keep on keeping on....GREAT JOB cleaning too! I am very proud of you taking care of you and what an honor to know and learn from you to be good to yourself... thats and  nice I hope one day to get better at that MYSELF. Happy bday and many many more in MY Lord Jesus name amen please take what HELPS and let go of the rest to be HELPFUL is MY only aim thank you     


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