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Responsibility and Self Blame

Here are 2 hard to live with facts: I smoked and I have COPD. Now when people see me with my Oxygen Tank they don't have to think : "i'll bet he smoked himself into this state - so he deserves this. I don't smoke (or already quit) so I'm not like him!" I think this stuff for them - I put these thoughts in my head that they are thinking this way! Not on purpose, of course, but subconsciously, I have this narrative with myself! No wonder I get depressed! Sigmund Freud said, "depression is anger turned inward."

I smoked. I didn't set out to become addicted but I did make that decision to smoke that first Sickerette. Little did I know that "10 percent of youth who become hooked on cigarettes are addicted within two days of first inhaling from a cigarette, and 25 percent are addicted within a month." 

Regardless of not knowing because until recently nobody knew that, I did know that it was hazardous to your health. So I am responsible for that! Also, once addicted I and only I can be my own way out of Addiction. I am 100% responsible for my Recovery! So I'm not making excuses here. I'm separating Responsibility which is the bottom line to Smoking Cessation from Self-blame which is actually my nemesis for  Addiction Recovery and Self care. 

"It’s difficult in many cases to find out just what causes a person to develop lung disease. Risk factors include smoking, exposure to environmental toxins, and certain viral infections. But one person may develop a viral infection and go on to enjoy healthy lungs, while another develops lung disease. Scientists still aren’t sure why that is.

Smoking is considered the primary risk factor. Yet only about 25 percent of smokers develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Scientists wanted to discover what would make those people particularly vulnerable to the disease."

The Role of Genetics in Chronic Lung Disease 

When I was smoking I definitely knew about "Cancer Sticks" and "Coffin Nails" and yet, I never knew or understood how Emphysema was related to smoking or that there was an eminent danger of acquiring a progressive chronic smoking related disease - even after I had been told that I had Chronic Bronchitis! That all changed in 2010 and I quit smoking 6 days later.

It's also why I am determined that every single person who comes to BecomeanEX knows, really understands, what COPD is and what it's like. There is more to smoking related disease than cancer and heart disease! Awareness is improving but still abominally lacking among smokers considering that COPD is the #3 cause of mortality in the entire population and costs the United States $36 Billion Dollars/Year.

Am I responsible for my Self-Care? Absolutely! But must I blame myself? What purpose does it serve? Take a look at this finding  from a study of patients in pulmonary rehab that was published in The National Center for Biotechnology Information:

"The main theme was a feeling of being exiled in the world of the healthy, because of self-blame and society's stigmatisation of COPD as a self-inflicted disease. The participants experienced feelings of disgrace through subtle blame and a lack of support from their social network, health care encounters and larger society. This seemed to increase illness-related strain and a need for defensive actions."

Experiences of self-blame and stigmatisation for self-infliction among individuals living with COPD.... 

In order to quit smoking, the #1 most effective known treatment for COPD, I needed support, help and care.  I needed to do everything possible to quit and that includes stopping the cycle of Self-blame, unhealthy guilt, and lack of Self- respect.  Actually, accusing myself made overcoming my Addiction harder, led to depression and my unneeded guilt might have delayed  my Recovery if it weren't for the warm love and support I received here at BecomeanEX.

So while we must take responsibility for the mistakes we made, we need to learn to forgive these mistakes with Self compassion - we are human and humans make mistakes - and focus not on Blame but on Addiction Recovery and Self-Care!

Quitting is within your grasp! You make the decision and honor it! Lifestyle changes that lead to healthier, better quality living is within your grasp! You can choose to work hard being sick (and it's very hard work!) or you can choose to work hard to be as healthy as possible! If you relate to my feelings of Self-Blame it's time to go to the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can; 
and wisdom to know the difference.

I can't change my genes, I can't change the nature of Nicotine Addiction, and I can't change past mistakes! But I can make the best of my circumstances with courage, fortitude, and Self-Love!

Love Yourself Chapter 2 

Hugs to ALL who seek Recovery from Nicotine Addiction and EXtra Hugs to those of us who suffer this horrible disease known as COPD!

Image result for the human condition quotes kristin neff

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6 Replies

Thomas3.20.2010‌ As always, you hit the nail on the head AND you provided documentation through your research to help validate what you said.  I KNOW that I feel isolated a great deal, I exercise INSIDE on a regular basis, I eat a healthy diet, I do whatever I can to avoid inhaling pollutants and allergens (that's not easy).  I try to keep my stress under control because I know that it weakens my immune system and simply makes things harder.  I knew for a long time that I needed to quit smoking.  I used to have an internal dialogue with myself about what I was doing by continuing to smoke.  I did not judge patients I took care of who were suffering from COPD or lung cancer or any number of smoking related illnesses but I DID judge myself.  I agree that depression is anger turned inward and I think we all have to work at not being angry with ourselves.  We cannot change the past but we can most certainly change our today and perhaps our tomorrows.  I am so glad that you are here, Thomas, to remind us of that and to help us to grow as we travel this path called recovery.  You are a wonder!




I really love this blog.  Thank you.


"Tobacco exposure in utero and early life is a risk factor for subsequent development of COPD. Furthermore, low birth weight, lower respiratory tract infections and asthma, including wheezy bronchitis, in childhood also seem to be important determinants for later development of COPD. Early life insults may, therefore, be crucial to COPD development."

Early life insults as determinants of chronic obstructive pulmonary di | COPD 


Last night was my last cigarette.  I smoked the whole thing and said goodbye.  Today was difficult, but not impossible.  I quit right on my pre-determined quit date. (I'm taking Chantix)

I told a woman I've been keeping lightly in touch with here...we had the same quit date, and come to find out, she quit earlier...over a week, and I actually feel a bit jealous.  I was only smoking two a day, but each felt precious to me.  It's different for all of us I guess.  

What you wrote about guilt has really hit home.  I feel tremendous guilt for smoking all this time and destroying my health.  I feel worse about exposing my kids to smoke both in utero and second hand in my house.  Back then, there really wasn't evidence of the damage that second hand smoke could do and the only thing that was said about exposure in utero was that you might get a low birthweight baby.  That wasn't a problem for me, they were all good sized.  They are all grown and most have families of their own.  They are healthy...for now.  My eldest smoked in high school and when he was in the USMC.  He's been quit for a couple years now.  I can only hope that they will all be ok.

Last night I said goodbye to smoking.  Smoking was not my friend.  I'm looking forward to bedtime so I can at least say I have one day smoke free behind me.  It wasn't easy, but it wasn't horrible to go without.  I guess I just need to keep reminding myself of that.  I also need to find a way to forgive myself for being such an idiot for so long.  That might actually be the hardest part of this.

Thank you for your wisdom, Thomas3.20.2010



I have a sticker on my computer monitor that says.....screw guilt.  Over the years I’ve felt that useless (to me) emotion about things I cannot change.  Punishing myself for them now changes nothing.  I came from a generation of smokers. If someone wants to judge me, I say go for it.  I’ve accepted not one person on this earth is perfect and I doubt they would want me rummaging around in thier choices or actions.  I had what was thought to be chronic bronchitis for years and it turned out to be a genetic condition.  Smoking did not help, but it wasn’t the cause.  Even my doc at the time apologized for thinking I was responsible for something I was not.  The smoking was my continued choice.  I can’t change what was, only go forward the best I can.  

I had the best nurses when I was in the hospital that treated me with respect.  I also had a couple who didn’t, I could see their judgement as well as one doctor.  The infection was the result of a bacteria on top of the lung abnormality.  Even if I didn’t smoke I would have been in there from it.  

Quiting is hard enough without adding guilt.  I hope you can forgive yourself if that’s what it takes.  It’s like a fork in the way with all the right reasons and the other with those and an extra bag you can drop and lighten your journey.  Just my measly 2 cents.


Gwenivere‌ As someone who was an RN for many, many years and who dealt with patients with all kinds of diagnoses...

I was always really uncomfortable with patients who had COPD or smoking related illnesses because I still smoked and the last thing I wanted to do was to think that they smelled it.  They were also very anxious and fearful and I think I saw myself in the future and it scared me half to death.  Believe me, I did not EVER mean to judge anyone and it just MIGHT be that the nurses you saw that in did not mean to do that either.  Then again...there ARE people who are least in their own minds.

I like you attitude about guilt, unfortunately, I have never mastered that.  I carry a seriously heavy bag with me wherever I go...maybe THAT'S what my scoliosis is from, LOL.

Wisteria  I didn't smoke when I was pregnant but it wasn't because I was trying to protect my unborn was because the SMELL of smoke made me vomit, it was almost like an early pregnancy test because it never failed to happen.  MY guilt is over the time I took from them when they were little...when I was going outside to smoke...then there was the smoke on my clothes, and NOW...there is the time I am sick and so terribly sorry for any part I played in that.  Yeah...Guilt is probably my middle name.  

Quitting is something to feel incredibly proud of and to feel like you are getting stronger every day.
