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Give and get support around quitting


2 weeks, square 1.

sitting on my hands today, it is day 14 or 15 for me, and I feel like I did back at day 2-3- panicky, restless, overwhelmed. 

I've  noticed several people have documented "roller coaster" days like feels like a physical craving- compulsion, almost. 

hoping and praying tomorrow is back to "normal".

Congrats to everyone who is in this with us! ❤️

16 Replies

But here's a "positive"- after just 2 weeks, my skin and teeth look way better. Those little lines around my mouth aren't as noticeable to me, and my pearly whites look.... white.      

so thats the good news im hanging on to right now;-) 


So glad you noticed the positives during your 'ARRRG' moment!  I'm not sure why my teeth haven't been whitening more.  I did notice that a couple weeks ago that they're not looking as white as they did after other quits.  I'll start putting the whitening pen to them I guess.  Hang in here girl.  I wanted a cigarette so bad last night after one of my internal hissy fits, a tantrum that I do not show externally in any way. It only lasted long enough for me to acknowledge what an idiot I was on both things, the hissy fit and the perceived 'fix'.  Make a special note either physical or mental after each temptation has passed.  Something to remind you that you made it through the last time you felt that way without giving in to a smoke.  My special note for the reasons I was having a hissy fit was 'shut up, put up, and grow up'.  It may sound harsh but it works like a charm when I start to go down that one particular path.  Swing chickens if you need to, anything but another thought of lighting up!  Keep up the hard work you've put in.  You wouldn't step on a beautiful cake you just made so keep your cake (your quit) safe!!


84 DOF 


This has cracked me up for days- swing chickens!! 

Every time I want a smoke, I've kept a visual of me swinging chicken carcasses around and, well... VOILA! Craving gone and laughter follows;-)      

0 Kudos

Like I tell everyone, 'If I'm good for nothing else, I'm always good for a laugh'.  Glad to be obliged   Keep up the great work you are rockin this quit girl! Give me a shout if you need to and endeavor to persevere your day.


Can I swing my husband around?  I think that would make me feel better (LOL)


If it's not illegal, immoral or fattening, go for it.  I'll join you.  Mine could use a good swingIng too!


Oh, hubby doesn't know what he's in for tonight!



GREAT job thinking of the positives.  Sitting on your hands is OK as long as you don't weigh more than a cow!!!!  Those days you just get through a chunk at a time.  Did you stay busy, I hope?  Change your routine up, I hope?

You DID it - and that's an important lesson.  Keep in mind the tools that worked so you can have them at the ready next time this happens.  It may or may not.....but be ready! 

Hope this day is easier - you will find the good ones outnumber the bad ones - and the bad ones will start to be further and further apart.  It's a roller coaster ride, for sure.
