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Chronic Pain and Withdrawal

Does anyone else have problems with more chronic pain trouble during the withdrawal process? I have Fibromyalgia and I’ve noticed a lot of pain during the past 5 days of my quit, my first five days. Hoping it’s just a symptom of the withdrawal that will go away soon. I’m quite sure smoking never helped ease my pain. 

17 Replies

I can only imagine how challenging it seems that your symptoms are increasing but I want to reassure you that it's the Addiction which is causing your current pain. It will get better and in a short while you'll feel much better!

Cigarette Smoking and Fibromyalgia Symptoms 


Oh WOW, Thank YOU Thomas!!!

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Hi Laura!!

I also have Fibromyalgia and I can honestly say that YES I believe that for some reason it increased my chronic pain as well. It's also winter here in NY which doesn't help, so it's confusing.. but I felt the same way and still do for that matter. At first I thought it was because I was moving so much to stay a busy bee, than I thought it was because I was body clenthing ( if that's such a thing) because I was fighting the craves... Also the mind plays a HUGE part of it. I honestly don't know and I am hoping someone else can help with this question. In any case, you're not alone.

I do believe this... Quitting smoking is always healthier so I have to believe this will only be temporary.


I have chronic pain and I convinced myself for a long time that if I could get the pain under control, I would be able to quit smoking, I honestly believed that.  When I quit, I didn't have the distraction of smoking, I didn't take those few minutes to just sit and breathe.  Those were the times when I failed.  Once I paid really close attention to what was happening with the pain when I smoked, I realized that any pain relief that I got was inconsequential and didn't last through the cigarette.  When I quit smoking, my hands hurt more...for a while.  I attribute that to the fact that there was better didn't last.  As our circulation improves, our bodies have to adjust, it's BETTER, not worse.  I am able to work out regularly and my energy level is higher most days.  Nothing is going to take ALL of the pain away, but there are healthy things we can do to take care of ourselves and we will be rewarded with better health in all parts of our lives.  The beginning of being smoke free is the DOES get easier.



Deb-EX & elvan Thank you all for your help. I can survive increased pain so long as I know it’s temporary. Had a feeling it probably was. Thomas3.20.2010  thanks for link letting me know for certain that smoking - not quitting - made fibromylagia worse. 


Just like elvan‌ - Ellen said, it's my hands that feel the worst pain increase. There are days were typing is just not an option, it makes so much sense about the smoking though and if you think about it - it's so true. We looked at that cigarette as a way to just sit and breath through it. It did nothing and I do believe it only made our Fibro. worse.. this was one of my main reason for quitting. Hang in there!!!


Halfway thru the 7th day, I’m feeling less pain, thank goodness. Let’s hope it stays quiet.


Hi Laura! I've been having a rough week myself... This Fibro. just comes and goes as it pleases, with NO warnings at all. I am so happy to see you're hanging in there and feeling better!!! Congratulations on 7 days - I believe you officially made it through HELL WEEK!!!

I hope all stays quiet for you, reach out and holler if it doesn't!!!


Thanks Deb-EX — yep - today is my 7th day. After 10pm, I’ll begin my 2nd week as a non smoker! Hope not my second week of increased pain, but I know it would not make it better to smoke again! That much I’m positive of!