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Give and get support around quitting

Rated R

Got in his car

Went To A Bar

Drank too much

Didn't Get Far

Lost his quit

When he had a cigar.

9 Replies

R = Regrettable!


Oh yes and then you would be Remorseful.....


Dont pick up that first drink..... no cigar. 


OK, question for you Dale JonesCarpeDiem‌: are cigar smokers as addicted to nicotine, as I was when I smoked 20 cigarettes/day? 

I am hearing many speaking about having a cigar at a party, but then the persons consider themselves not smokers?  Where is the truth?  Can cigar smokers be as addicted as cigarette smokers, if so, how many cigars qualify them as smokers? 

Is the occasional cigar smoker is not a nicotine addict?  Is there something between a cigar and a cigarette which causes the cigarette smoker to be more likely to get addicted?

Curious minds want to know...

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I decided to research this because I think there is a difference.  My dad didn't smoke but every once in awhile he would have a cigar. He might have one after dinner when friends were over, after a good hunt, etc. The old 'guys going to the smoking lounge' thing, akin to today's man-cave.

I found there are two big differences between cigars and cigarettes. Yes the nicotine in cigars is actually more addictive than in cigarettes (one cigar has more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes), but tobacco companies found that a lot of the nicotine in a cigarette wasn't released when burned, but rather remained chemically bound within the tobacco leaf so they began a new way to make cigarettes.  In order to have a cigarette release more nicotine they added tobacco extract which is applied to reconstituted tobacco.  Reconstituted tobacco is a sheet of paper product which is made from a pulp of mashed tobacco stems and other parts of the tobacco leaf that would otherwise go to waste (and probably the crap they swept off the floor of the manufacturing plant), doubling the nicotine content. The reconstituted tobacco sheet is soaked in as many as 4,000 chemicals, freeze dried, and then shredded. As many ways as tobacco companies can think of, they have or will try to increase nicotine to cigarettes to keep us hooked. They also add nicotine to the “dip casing”, the flavor, the paper, the filter tip...

Since cigars are made with real (non-reconstituted) tobacco they usually contain a better quality of tobacco leaves without as many of the chemicals and are rolled in tobacco leaves instead of paper.  Cigar smoke is not usually inhaled, only drawn in the mouth for flavor, maybe as far as the throat, and blown out slowly.  Besides, cigars are even less socially acceptable than cigarettes, they take longer to smoke, and the target buyers DON'T include women.  So although technically they contain more nicotine than cigarettes (in their non-treated form), they aren't even a runner up in addiction level. 

I think I just found 4,000 more reasons to keep quit from the evil nico-demon.


49 precious days gained.


Wow, thank you so much Julie minihorses‌ for the research!  I knew cigars don't have any of the chemicals added to cigarettes.  And speaking about these, I knew a guy who worked at a cigarette factory in Romania.  He told me they were adding sugar, cocoa powder, coffee, and many other ingredients for taste and flavor.  As we all know all of the above are responding to our addictive nature, while not by far as damaging as the nicotine.

He even made me a pack covered in a beautiful, shiny paper (I guess they were manually feeding the paper for the pack).  When I remember those times, smoking was a joke for me, a pretense to be grown up (I was probably 18-19 years old); little did I know back then what a slave cigarette will make of me...

But not anymore!

Thank you Julie, and congrats on your incredible 49 days, now be on your toes, eyes wide open while traversing No Man's Land.

You added some more reasons to your tool box, go get your reasons from there whenever you feel a crave snicking up on you, or come a talk to us, so we can help nudge you forward on your freedom journey!



I had also found that U.S. companies added cocoa and coffee beans to them for the extra nicotine to be released by the caffeine in them.  I left them out because at least it's not a chemical! That's probably why coffee/hot chocolate makes us want a cigarette. I can't believe I made it 50 days! I am proud of my accomplishment and I owe much of it to all of you here! 



Big milestone Julie minihorses‌, we are helping but You are doing it, give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it:

Celebrate your accomplishment!

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Thank you! I feel great and excited to have made it to this milestone.  I PROMISE TO MYSELF I WILL NEVER EVER PUT ANOTHER CIGARETTE IN MY MOUTH!!!!!
