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How much money?

The cost of using nicotine today $6.00 a pack... I remember 3.25 a pack when I started and paid 5.65 for the last pack. What about y'all paid in beginning and last paid for pack? What have you brought or saved with your quitting monies? We moved to a better neighborhood With a pool. 

19 Replies

When I started they were 0.64 a pack and my last pack was $6.00.  With my savings, I have enough to pay for diapers and formula for two newborns


When I first started, a pack of cigarettes was 35 cents at 7-Eleven!! The last pack I bought was 6.40. Of course, I was gonna quit when they reached 1.00, 2.00, etc, etc.

Though I haven't spent over $1200 on cigarettes since I quit earlier this year, I can't pinpoint any one thing I've bought - the best thing is I seem to have money in my wallet now, rather than checking to see if I have enough money to go buy cigarettes!


I used to pay $2 for a CARTON when I last carton in 2014 cost me $34.00.  I never bought a single pack...always had to have a carton.  When I quit, I figured out that I probably spent about $75 a month on cigarettes and we all know that we would have somehow found a way to come up with that money, no matter what.  I rounded it up to $100 a month and have made every possible effort to set that money aside for Holidays, not feeling completely stressed out as I look for the perfect gifts is my gift to MYSELF.  Other expenses have risen and I feel as though I am trying to fill in holes in the sand on a beach some days but I still make every possible effort to put something aside.

I'll bet just about everyone here planned to quit when cigarettes got to a certain point.  My daughter lives in NY and she was paying $10-$12 a pack when she quit over two years ago.  


I think they cost about $.50 a pack - as the addiction became stronger I, too,only bought cartons  I think I remember them being around $20.00 when I started that.   When I quit they were $62.00 (I think) - which added up to about $200 a month!!!  I haven't kept track of the money saved, but now if I see something I would like, I just buy it. My treat to ME.



Back when I started smoking at the age of 14 cigarettes were $1.50 for a pk of 25 fast forward 40 yrs at the time I quit they were $13.50 now well over 3 yrs later most stores are selling them for $14.50 a pk. My husband and I rolled ours the last 15 yrs that we smoked and that was expensive enough! 


When I first started, I vaguely recall that a pack cost maybe $3 or $ the time I quit this past June, I was paying $12 per pack.  Last year, the pack costed a little over $8.  On the last election, I voted for a local measure to increase cigarette taxation, as an act of rebellion against my addiction.  The ordinance passed, and  I felt even more defeated each time I'd hand over that much money for something I hated. 

I joke that having quit smoking is like having picked up a part-time job, the additional funds are so noticeable.  More than anything, I believe that I eat better (like, more) than when I was smoking.  Even now...159 days later...I still notice the difference of increased cash flow.   It's easy to rationalize going out to eat, or getting whatever shiny indulgence crosses my eye, because, well, at least it's not money spent on cigarettes.


I just found out I need dental implants to the tune of about $25,000.  Considering I have saved $13,500 from not smoking over the past five years, that takes it down to $12,000!  Still a tidy sum, but I can't wear dentures because of my tiny roof of the mouth, so at least

I can figure I've saved half of the cost already, and over the next four years I will probably save the balance (considering the price continues to rise).

Puts it into perspective, doesn't it?!!!


WOW, that's a LOT of money...good for you.  you absolutely should do what you need to do.


I was 13 when I started and a pack cost .75 cents my last carton was $89.00. Wow this is even shocking to me. What the heck was I thinking?  LOL. Now I have a monthly massage and it costs less then the carton.